Cuiyu Zhang
Cuiyu Zhang
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Direct observation of liquid crystals using cryo‐TEM: Specimen preparation and low‐dose imaging
M Gao, YK Kim, C Zhang, V Borshch, S Zhou, HS Park, A Jákli, ...
Microscopy research and technique 77 (10), 754-772, 2014
Direct observation of smectic layers in thermotropic liquid crystals
C Zhang, M Gao, N Diorio, W Weissflog, U Baumeister, S Sprunt, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (10), 107802, 2012
unexpected liquid crystalline behaviour of three-ring bent-core mesogens: bis (4-subst.-phenyl) 2-methyl-iso-phthalates
W Weissflog, U Baumeister, MG Tamba, G Pelzl, H Kresse, R Friedemann, ...
Soft Matter 8 (9), 2671-2685, 2012
Helical nanofilaments of bent-core liquid crystals with a second twist
C Zhang, N Diorio, OD Lavrentovich, A Jákli
Nature Communications 5 (1), 3302, 2014
A fibre forming smectic twist–bent liquid crystalline phase
MG Tamba, SM Salili, C Zhang, A Jákli, GH Mehl, R Stannarius, A Eremin
RSC advances 5 (15), 11207-11211, 2015
Nanostructure and dielectric properties of a twist-bend nematic liquid crystal mixture
RR Ribeiro de Almeida, C Zhang, O Parri, SN Sprunt, A Jákli
Liquid Crystals 41 (11), 1661-1667, 2014
Metallo-responsive liquid crystalline monomers and polymers
BM McKenzie, RJ Wojtecki, KA Burke, C Zhang, A Jákli, PT Mather, ...
Chemistry of Materials 23 (15), 3525-3533, 2011
Magneto-optical technique for detecting the biaxial nematic phase
T Ostapenko, C Zhang, SN Sprunt, A Jákli, JT Gleeson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (2 …, 2011
Two distinct modulated layer structures of an asymmetric bent-shape smectic liquid crystal
C Zhang, N Diorio, S Radhika, BK Sadashiva, SN Sprunt, A Jákli
Liquid Crystals 39 (9), 1149-1157, 2012
Nanostructure of Edge Dislocations in a Smectic- Liquid Crystal
C Zhang, AM Grubb, AJ Seed, P Sampson, A Jákli, OD Lavrentovich
Physical Review Letters 115 (8), 087801, 2015
Cryo-TEM studies of two smectic phases of an asymmetric bent-core material
C Zhang, BK Sadashiva, OD Lavrentovich, A Jákli
Liquid Crystals 40 (12), 1636-1645, 2013
2-Alkoxy-1, 3-thiazoles: A new core unit for incorporation into self-organising materials. Synthetic approach, mesomorphism, and electrooptic evaluation
AM Grubb, C Zhang, A Jákli, P Sampson, AJ Seed
Liquid Crystals 39 (10), 1175-1195, 2012
Nanostructures of nematic materials of laterally branched molecules
R Breckon, S Chakraborty, C Zhang, N Diorio, JT Gleeson, S Sprunt, ...
ChemPhysChem 15 (7), 1457-1462, 2014
An Optically Isotropic Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal (OI‐AFLC) Display Mode Operating over a Wide Temperature Range using Ternary Bent‐Core Liquid Crystal Mixtures
L Bergquist, C Zhang, RR Ribeiro de Almeida, B Pellegrene, ...
ChemistryOpen 6 (2), 196-200, 2017
Nanoscale structures of polarisation-modulated bent-core materials in thin films
C Zhang, SM Salili, N Diorio, W Weissflog, A Jákli
Liquid Crystals 42 (11), 1621-1626, 2015
A structure–property relationship study of bent-core mesogens with pyridine as the central unit
JM Marković, NP Trišović, T Toth-Katona, MK Milčić, AD Marinković, ...
New Journal of Chemistry 38 (4), 1751-1760, 2014
Biaxial nematic order induced by smectic fluctuations
C Zhang, S Chakraborty, T Ostapenko, S Sprunt, A Jakli, JT Gleeson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (2 …, 2012
og, U. Baumeister, S. Sprunt, JT Gleeson and A. Jákli
C Zhang, M Gao, N Diorio, W Weiss
Phys. Rev. Lett 109, 107802, 2012
og, D. Studer, B. Zuber, H. Gnägi and F. Lin
M Gao, YK Kim, C Zhang, V Borshch, S Zhou, HS Park, A Jákli, ...
Microsc. Res. Tech 77, 754-772, 2014
Viscoelastic properties of a branched liquid crystal in the nematic phase
PK Challa, S Chakraborty, R Breckon, C Zhang, S Pardaev, RW Twieg, ...
Liquid Crystals 41 (6), 747-754, 2014
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Articles 1–20