Christina Scheu
Christina Scheu
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Cited by
Narrow-band red-emitting Sr[LiAl3N4]:Eu2+ as a next-generation LED-phosphor material
P Pust, V Weiler, C Hecht, A Tücks, AS Wochnik, AK Henß, D Wiechert, ...
Nature materials 13 (9), 891-896, 2014
Iron-doped nickel oxide nanocrystals as highly efficient electrocatalysts for alkaline water splitting
K Fominykh, P Chernev, I Zaharieva, J Sicklinger, G Stefanic, ...
ACS nano 9 (5), 5180-5188, 2015
Ordered liquid aluminum at the interface with sapphire
SH Oh, Y Kauffmann, C Scheu, WD Kaplan, M Ruhle
Science 310 (5748), 661-663, 2005
Discovery of a multinary noble metal–free oxygen reduction catalyst
T Löffler, H Meyer, A Savan, P Wilde, A Garzón Manjón, YT Chen, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (34), 1802269, 2018
Synthesis and biological evaluation of a bioresponsive and endosomolytic siRNA− polymer conjugate
M Meyer, C Dohmen, A Philipp, D Kiener, G Maiwald, C Scheu, M Ogris, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 6 (3), 752-762, 2009
Strengthening and strain hardening mechanisms in a precipitation-hardened high-Mn lightweight steel
MJ Yao, E Welsch, D Ponge, SMH Haghighat, S Sandlöbes, P Choi, ...
Acta Materialia 140, 258-273, 2017
Ca[LiAl3N4]:Eu2+A Narrow-Band Red-Emitting Nitridolithoaluminate
P Pust, AS Wochnik, E Baumann, PJ Schmidt, D Wiechert, C Scheu, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (11), 3544-3549, 2014
Strong efficiency improvements in ultra‐low‐cost inorganic nanowire solar cells
KP Musselman, A Wisnet, DC Iza, HC Hesse, C Scheu, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (22), E254-E258, 2010
Degradation of iridium oxides via oxygen evolution from the lattice: correlating atomic scale structure with reaction mechanisms
O Kasian, S Geiger, T Li, JP Grote, K Schweinar, S Zhang, C Scheu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (12), 3548-3555, 2019
Oscillatory mass transport in vapor-liquid-solid growth of sapphire nanowires
SH Oh, MF Chisholm, Y Kauffmann, WD Kaplan, W Luo, M Rühle, ...
Science 330 (6003), 489-493, 2010
Atomic-scale insights into surface species of electrocatalysts in three dimensions
T Li, O Kasian, S Cherevko, S Zhang, S Geiger, C Scheu, P Felfer, ...
Nature Catalysis 1 (4), 300-305, 2018
Simultaneous optimization of electrical and thermal transport properties of Bi0. 5Sb1. 5Te3 thermoelectric alloy by twin boundary engineering
Y Yu, DS He, S Zhang, O Cojocaru-Mirédin, T Schwarz, A Stoffers, ...
Nano Energy 37, 203-213, 2017
Tin doping speeds up hole transfer during light-driven water oxidation at hematite photoanodes
HK Dunn, JM Feckl, A Müller, D Fattakhova-Rohlfing, SG Morehead, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (44), 24610-24620, 2014
Artificial chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of an epitaxial oxide
S Farokhipoor, C Magén, S Venkatesan, J Íñiguez, CJM Daumont, D Rubi, ...
Nature 515 (7527), 379-383, 2014
Toward a paradigm shift in electrocatalysis using complex solid solution nanoparticles
T Löffler, A Savan, A Garzón-Manjón, M Meischein, C Scheu, A Ludwig, ...
ACS Energy Letters 4 (5), 1206-1214, 2019
Rational strain engineering in delafossite oxides for highly efficient hydrogen evolution catalysis in acidic media
F Podjaski, D Weber, S Zhang, L Diehl, R Eger, V Duppel, ...
Nature Catalysis 3 (1), 55-63, 2020
Abnormal grain growth in alumina: synergistic effects of yttria and silica
I MacLaren, RM Cannon, MA Gülgün, R Voytovych, N Popescu‐Pogrion, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 86 (4), 650-59, 2003
Copper nanowires within the central channel of tobacco mosaic virus particles
S Balci, AM Bittner, K Hahn, C Scheu, M Knez, A Kadri, C Wege, H Jeske, ...
Electrochimica Acta 51 (28), 6251-6257, 2006
A novel buffering technique for aqueous processing of zinc oxide nanostructures and interfaces, and corresponding improvement of electrodeposited ZnO‐Cu2O photovoltaics
KP Musselman, A Marin, A Wisnet, C Scheu, JL MacManus‐Driscoll, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (3), 573-582, 2011
Microstructural investigations on zirconium oxide–carbon nanotube composites synthesized by hydrothermal crystallization
F Lupo, R Kamalakaran, C Scheu, N Grobert, M Rühle
Carbon 42 (10), 1995-1999, 2004
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Articles 1–20