Michel Eduardo Beleza Yamagishi
Michel Eduardo Beleza Yamagishi
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Fast EM-like methods for maximum a posteriori estimates in emission tomography
AR De Pierro, MEB Yamagishi
Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 20 (4), 280-288, 2001
STING Millennium: A web-based suite of programs for comprehensive and simultaneous analysis of protein structure and sequence
G Neshich, RC Togawa, AL Mancini, PR Kuser, MEB Yamagishi, ...
Nucleic acids research 31 (13), 3386-3392, 2003
Nucleotide frequencies in human genome and Fibonacci numbers
MEB Yamagishi, AI Shimabukuro
Bulletin of mathematical biology 70 (3), 643-653, 2008
Predicting enzyme class from protein structure using Bayesian classification.
LC Borro, SRM Oliveira, MEB Yamagishi, AL Mancini, JG Jardine, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 5, n. 1, p. 193-202, 2006., 2006
Genome-wide search for signatures of selection in three major Brazilian locally adapted sheep breeds
JJ de Simoni Gouveia, SR Paiva, CM McManus, AR Caetano, JW Kijas, ...
Livestock Science 197, 36-45, 2017
JavaProtein Dossier: a novel web-based data visualization tool for comprehensive analysis of protein structure
G Neshich, W Rocchia, AL Mancini, MEB Yamagishi, PR Kuser, R Fileto, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 32 (suppl_2), W595-W601, 2004
Single nucleotide variants and InDels identified from whole-genome re-sequencing of Guzerat, Gyr, Girolando and Holstein cattle breeds
NB Stafuzza, A Zerlotini, FP Lobo, MEB Yamagishi, TCS Chud, ...
PloS one 12 (3), e0173954, 2017
Genome-wide copy number variation (CNV) detection in Nelore cattle reveals highly frequent variants in genome regions harboring QTLs affecting production traits
JM da Silva, PF Giachetto, LO da Silva, LC Cintra, SR Paiva, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-14, 2016
Detection of human interchromosomal trans-splicing in sequence databanks
RH Herai, MEB Yamagishi
Briefings in bioinformatics 11 (2), 198-209, 2010
STING Contacts: a web-based application for identification and analysis of amino acid contacts within protein structure and across protein interfaces
AL Mancini, RH Higa, A Oliveira, F Dominiquini, PR Kuser, ...
Bioinformatics 20 (13), 2145-2147, 2004
The diamond STING server
G Neshich, LC Borro, RH Higa, PR Kuser, MEB Yamagishi, EH Franco, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_2), W29-W35, 2005
Is a genome a codeword of an error-correcting code?
LCB Faria, ASL Rocha, JH Kleinschmidt, MC Silva-Filho, E Bim, RH Herai, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e36644, 2012
STING Report: convenient web-based application for graphic and tabular presentations of protein sequence, structure and function descriptors from the STING database
G Neshich, AL Mancini, MEB Yamagishi, PR Kuser, R Fileto, IP Pinto, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_1), D269-D274, 2005
The Star STING server: a multiplatform environment for protein structure analysis.
G Neshich, I Mazoni, SRM Oliveira, MEB Yamagishi, PR Kuser-Falcao, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 5, n. 4, p. 717-722, 2006., 2006
STING Millennium Suite: integrated software for extensive analyses of 3d structures of proteins and their complexes
RH Higa, RC Togawa, AJ Montagner, JCF Palandrani, IKS Okimoto, ...
BMC bioinformatics 5, 1-9, 2004
Transcriptome of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum during gonad differentiation: Different molecular signals leading to sex identity
IKC Lobo, AR Do Nascimento, MEB Yamagishi, Y Guiguen, GF Da Silva, ...
Genomics 112 (3), 2478-2488, 2020
Chargaff's" Grammar of Biology": New Fractal-like Rules
MEB Yamagishi, RH Herai
arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.1528, 2011
A fast surface-matching procedure for protein–ligand docking
MEB Yamagishi, NF Martins, G Neshich, W Cai, X Shao, A Beautrait, ...
Journal of Molecular Modeling 12, 965-972, 2006
Origin and population structure of Brazilian hair sheep breeds
TP Paim, SR Paiva, NM de Toledo, MB Yamaghishi, PLS Carneiro, ...
Animal Genetics 52 (4), 492-504, 2021
Relationship between global structural parameters and Enzyme Commission hierarchy: Implications for function prediction
M Boareto, MEB Yamagishi, N Caticha, VBP Leite
Computational Biology and Chemistry 40, 15-19, 2012
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Articles 1–20