Dr. Md Khorshed Alam
Dr. Md Khorshed Alam
PhD, Electrical & Electronic Engineering at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
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Cited by
A diamond shaped multilevel inverter with dual mode of operation
ST Meraj, MK Hasan, J Islam, YAB El-Ebiary, J Nebhen, MM Hossain, ...
IEEE Access 9, 59873-59887, 2021
An improved non-isolated quadratic DC-DC boost converter with ultra high gain ability
N Subhani, Z May, MK Alam, I Khan, MA Hossain, S Mamun
IEEE Access 11, 11350-11363, 2023
Recent advances in nondestructive method and assessment of corrosion undercoating in carbon–steel pipelines
Z May, MK Alam, NA Nayan
Sensors 22 (17), 6654, 2022
Error-Aware Data Clustering for In-Network Data Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks
SALAA M. K. Alam ,Azrina Abd Aziz
Sensors 20 (4), 1011, 2020
Acoustic emission corrosion feature extraction and severity prediction using hybrid wavelet packet transform and linear support vector classifier
Z May, MK Alam, NA Nayan, NAA Rahman, MS Mahmud
Plos one 16 (12), e0261040, 2021
Impact of packet size and node mobility pause time on average end to end delay and Jitter in MANET's
S Hakak, F Anwar, SA Latif, G Gilkar, MK Alam
2014 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, 56-59, 2014
An analysis of scheduling scheme for qos guaranteed interactive multimedia over high speed wireless campus networks
MK Alam, S Abd Latif, MH Masud, M Akter, F Anwar, JS Yalli
2013 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and …, 2013
Denoising of hydrogen evolution acoustic emission signal based on non-decimated stationary wavelet transform
Z May, MK Alam, NAA Rahman, MS Mahmud, NA Nayan
Processes 8 (11), 1460, 2020
Impact of key factors on average jitter in MANET
S Hakak, SA Latif, F Anwar, MK Alam
First International Conference on Systems Informatics, Modeling and …, 2014
An Investigation of Scheduling and Packet Reordering Algorithms for Bandwidth Aggregation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
MKA Suhaimi A. Latif, Mosharrof H. Masud, Farhat Anwar
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (12), 1613-1623, 2013
Effect of 3 key factors on average end to end delay and jitter in MANET
S Hakak, SA Latif, F Anwar, MK Alam, G Gilkar
Journal of ICT Research and Applications 8 (2), 113-125, 2014
An evaluation on offline signature verification using artificial neural network approach
MK Alam, AH Abdalla
2013 international conference on computing, electrical and electronic …, 2013
Data clustering technique for in-network data reduction in wireless sensor network
MK Alam, A Abd Aziz, SA Latif, A Awang
2019 IEEE student conference on research and development (SCOReD), 317-322, 2019
Eeg data compression using truncated singular value decomposition for remote driver status monitoring
MK Alam, A Abd Aziz, SA Latif, A Awang
2019 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 323-327, 2019
A scheduling algorithm for bandwidth aggregation in Heterogeneous Wireless Network
MH Masud, SA Latif, FAMK Alam
2014 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 1-4, 2014
A review on scheduling schemes of high speed Wireless Campus Network for Interactive Multimedia transmission
MK Alam, SA Latif, MH Masud, F Anwar
2013 IEEE 11th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC …, 2013
An enhanced dynamic transmission opportunity scheme to support varying traffic load over wireless campus networks
Z May, MK Alam, K Husain, MK Hasan
Plos one 15 (8), e0238073, 2020
An improved QoS in the architecture, model and huge traffic of multi-media applications under high speed wireless campus network
JS Yalli, SB Abd Latif, AHA Hashim, MK Alam
An enhanced gain non-isolated quadratic boost DC-DC converter with continuous source current
N Subhani, Z May, MK Alam, S Mamun
Plos one 18 (12), e0293097, 2023
Error-control truncated SVD technique for in-network data compression in wireless sensor networks
MK Alam, A Abd Aziz, S Abd Latif, A Abd Aziz
IEEE Access 9, 13829-13844, 2021
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Articles 1–20