Anatolii V. Mokshin
Anatolii V. Mokshin
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics, Department of Computational Physics
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Рекурсивно-регрессионная самоорганизация моделей анализа и контроля сложных систем.
ВВ Мокшин, ИМ Якимов, РМ Юльметьев, АВ Мокшин
Нелинейный мир 7 (1), 66-76, 2009
Simple Measure of Memory for Dynamical Processes Described<? format?> by a Generalized Langevin Equation
AV Mokshin, RM Yulmetyev, P Hänggi
Physical review letters 95 (20), 200601, 2005
Adaptive genetic algorithms used to analyze behavior of complex system
AV Mokshin, VV Mokshin, LM Sharnin
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 71, 174-186, 2019
Extension of classical nucleation theory for uniformly sheared systems
AV Mokshin, BN Galimzyanov, JL Barrat
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (6 …, 2013
Shear-induced crystallization of an amorphous system
AV Mokshin, JL Barrat
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (2 …, 2008
Steady-state homogeneous nucleation and growth of water droplets: Extended numerical treatment
AV Mokshin, BN Galimzyanov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (39), 11959-11967, 2012
Diffusion time-scale invariance, randomization processes, and memory effects in Lennard-Jones liquids
RM Yulmetyev, AV Mokshin, P Hänggi
Physical Review E 68 (5), 051201, 2003
Shear induced structural ordering of a model metallic glass
AV Mokshin, JL Barrat
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (3), 2009
Short-range structural transformations in water at high pressures
RM Khusnutdinoff, AV Mokshin
Journal of non-crystalline solids 357 (7), 1677-1684, 2011
Crystal nucleation and cluster-growth kinetics in a model glass under shear
AV Mokshin, JL Barrat
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (2 …, 2010
Analysis of the dynamics of liquid aluminium: recurrent relation approach
AV Mokshin, RM Yulmetyev, RM Khusnutdinoff, P Hänggi
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (4), 046209, 2007
Time-scale invariance of relaxation processes of density fluctuation in slow neutron scattering in liquid cesium
RM Yulmetyev, AV Mokshin, P Hänggi, VY Shurygin
Physical Review E 64 (5), 057101, 2001
New evidence for the idea of timescale invariance of relaxation processes in simple liquids: the case of molten sodium
RM Yulmetyev, AV Mokshin, T Scopigno, P Hänggi
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (14), 2235, 2003
Collective modes and gapped momentum states in liquid Ga: Experiment, theory, and simulation
RM Khusnutdinoff, C Cockrell, OA Dicks, ACS Jensen, MD Le, L Wang, ...
Physical Review B 101 (21), 214312, 2020
Vibrational features of water at the low-density/high-density liquid structural transformations
RM Khusnutdinoff, AV Mokshin
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391 (9), 2842-2847, 2012
A method for analyzing the non-stationary nucleation and overall transition kinetics: A case of water
AV Mokshin, BN Galimzyanov
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (2), 2014
Dynamic structure factor in liquid cesium on the basis of time-scale invariance of relaxation processes
RM Yulmetyev, AV Mokshin, P Hänggi, VY Shurygin
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 76, 147-150, 2002
Self-consistent description of local density dynamics in simple liquids. The case of molten lithium
AV Mokshin, BN Galimzyanov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (8), 085102, 2018
Relaxation time scales in collective dynamics of liquid alkali metals
AV Mokshin, RM Yulmetyev, P Hänggi
The Journal of chemical physics 121 (15), 7341-7346, 2004
Extended short-range order determines the overall structure of liquid gallium
AV Mokshin, RM Khusnutdinoff, BN Galimzyanov, VV Brazhkin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (7), 4122-4129, 2020
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Articles 1–20