Qihong Shao
Qihong Shao
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Cited by
Efficient ticket routing by resolution sequence mining
Q Shao, Y Chen, S Tao, X Yan, N Anerousis
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2008
Role-based access-control using reference ontology in clouds
WT Tsai, Q Shao
2011 Tenth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, 121-128, 2011
Testing the scalability of SaaS applications
WT Tsai, Y Huang, Q Shao
2011 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and …, 2011
OIC: Ontology-based intelligent customization framework for SaaS
WT Tsai, Q Shao, W Li
2010 IEEE international conference on service-oriented computing and …, 2010
Towards a scalable and robust multi-tenancy SaaS
WT Tsai, Q Shao, Y Huang, X Bai
Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware, 1-15, 2010
Real-time service-oriented cloud computing
WT Tsai, Q Shao, X Sun, J Elston
2010 6th World Congress on Services, 473-478, 2010
Wise: A workflow information search engine
Q Shao, P Sun, Y Chen
2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1491-1494, 2009
Two-tier multi-tenancy scaling and load balancing
WT Tsai, X Sun, Q Shao, G Qi
2010 IEEE 7th International Conference on E-Business Engineering, 484-489, 2010
EasySaaS: A SaaS development framework
WT Tsai, Y Huang, Q Shao
2011 IEEE international conference on service-oriented computing and …, 2011
EasyTicket: a ticket routing recommendation engine for enterprise problem resolution
Q Shao, Y Chen, S Tao, X Yan, N Anerousis
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 1 (2), 1436-1439, 2008
SimSaaS: simulation software-as-a-service
WT Tsai, W Li, H Sarjoughian, Q Shao
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Simulation Symposium, 77-86, 2011
PEPX: a query-friendly probabilistic XML database
T Li, Q Shao, Y Chen
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2006
Towards effective and intelligent multi-tenancy SaaS
Q Shao
Arizona State University, 2011
Data Partitioning and Redundancy Management for Robust Multi-Tenancy SaaS.
WT Tsai, Y Huang, Q Shao, X Bai
Int. J. Softw. Informatics 4 (3), 437-471, 2010
Searching workflows with hierarchical views
Z Liu, Q Shao, Y Chen
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3 (1-2), 918-927, 2010
Assessing expertise awareness in resolution networks
Y Chen, S Tao, X Yan, N Anerousis, Q Shao
2010 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and …, 2010
Efficiently discovering critical workflows in scientific explorations
Q Shao, P Sun, Y Chen
Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (5), 577-585, 2009
Ranking mortgage origination applications using customer, product, environment and workflow attributes
Q Shao, A Sheopuri, M Naphade, C Dorai, D Johnson, J Hoffman
2009 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, 198-205, 2009
Prioritizing loans using customer, product and workflow attributes
C Dorai, JD Hoffmann, DN Johnson, MR Naphade, Q Shao, A Sheopuri
US Patent App. 12/567,064, 2011
Storing and discovering critical workflows from log in scientific exploration
Q Shao, M Kinsy, Y Chen
2007 IEEE Congress on Services (Services 2007), 209-212, 2007
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Articles 1–20