Shailaja Hittalmani
Shailaja Hittalmani
Dean (Post Graduate Studies) University of Agricultural Sciences
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Fine mapping and DNA marker-assisted pyramiding of the three major genes for blast resistance in rice
S Hittalmani, A Parco, TV Mew, RS Zeigler, N Huang
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 100, 1121-1128, 2000
QTL× environment interactions in rice. I. Heading date and plant height
ZK Li, SB Yu, HR Lafitte, N Huang, B Courtois, S Hittalmani, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 108 (1), 141-153, 2003
Identification of QTL for growth-and grain yield-related traits in rice across nine locations of Asia
S Hittalmani, N Huang, B Courtois, R Venuprasad, JY Zhuang, KL Zheng, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107 (4), 679-690, 2003
Analysis of QTL× environment interaction for yield components and plant height in rice
JY Zhuang, HX Lin, J Lu, HR Qian, S Hittalmani, N Huang, KL Zheng
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 95, 799-808, 1997
Genome and Transcriptome sequence of Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) provides insights into drought tolerance and nutraceutical properties
S Hittalmani, HB Mahesh, MD Shirke, H ,Biradar, G ,Uday, YR Aruna, ...
BMC Genomics 18 (1), 465, 2017
Molecular marker assisted tagging of morphological and physiological traits under two contrasting moisture regimes at peak vegetative stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
GS Hemamalini, HE Shashidhar, Hittalmani, Shailaja
Euphytica 112 (1), 69-78, 2000
Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with seedling tolerance to salt stress in rice (Oryza sativa L)
Prasad, S R., Bagali, P G., Shailaja, Hittalmani
Current Science 78, 162-164, 2000
Breeding resilient and productive genotypes adapted to drought-prone rainfed ecosystem of India
SB Verulkar, NP Mandal, JL Dwivedi, BN Singh, PK Sinha, RN Mahato, ...
Field Crops Research 117 (2), 197-208, 2010
Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for plant growth, yield and yield related traits across three diverse locations in a doubled haploid rice population
S Hittalmani, PG Bagali, N Huang, JS Sidhu, VP Singh, GS Khush
Euphytica 125 (2), 207-214, 2002
Drought yield index to select high yielding rice lines under different drought stress severities
A Raman, S Verulkar, N Mandal, M Variar, V Shukla, J Dwivedi, B Singh, ...
Rice 5, 1-12, 2012
Development of a PCR-based marker to identify rice blast resistance gene, Pi-2(t), in a segregating population
S Hittalmani, MR Foolad, T Mew, RL Rodriguez, N Huang
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 91, 9-14, 1995
Tagging quantitative trait loci associated with grain yield and root morphological traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under contrasting moisture regimes
R Venuprasad, HE Shashidhar, S Hittalmani, GS Hemamalini
Euphytica 128, 293-300, 2002
Micronutrient composition, antinutritional factors and bioaccessibility of iron in different finger millet (Eleusine coracana) genotypes
BK Shashi, S Sharan, Shailaja, Hittalmani, S, AG Shankar, ...
Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 (3), 583-585, 2007
Genetic diversity assessment of finger millet, Eleusine coracana (Gaertn), germplasm through RAPD analysis
B Fakrudin, RS Kulkarni, S Hittalmani
PGR Newslett 138, 50-54, 2004
Ecological farming: Drought-resistant agriculture
R Tirado, J Cotter
Exeter, UK: Greenpeace Research Laboratories, 2010
Response of a new IR50/Moroberekan recombinant inbred population of rice (Oryza sativa L.) from an indica × japonica cross for growth and yield traits under …
TN Girish, TM Gireesha, MG Vaishali, BG Hanamareddy, S Hittalmani
Euphytica 152, 149-161, 2006
Indica rice genome assembly, annotation and mining of blast disease resistance genes
HB Mahesh, MD Shirke, S Singh, A Rajamani, S Hittalmani, GL Wang, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-12, 2016
Development and identification of novel rice blast resistant sources and their characterization using molecular markers
SJSR Devi, K Singh, B Umakanth, B Vishalakshi, P Renuka, KV Sudhakar, ...
Rice Science 22 (6), 300-308, 2015
Identification and fine mapping of a new gene, BPH31 conferring resistance to brown planthopper biotype 4 of India to improve rice, Oryza sativa L
GD Prahalada, N Shivakumar, HC Lohithaswa, DK Sidde Gowda, ...
Rice 10, 1-15, 2017
Fine mapping of major genes for blast resistance in rice
TW Mew, A Parco, S Hittalmani, T Inukai, R Nelson, RS Zeigler, N Huang
International Rice Research Institute, 1994
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Articles 1–20