Santosh S. Hosmani
Santosh S. Hosmani
Professor at Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, IIT Indore
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Nitrogen uptake by an Fe–V alloy: Quantitative analysis of excess nitrogen
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
Acta materialia 54 (10), 2783-2792, 2006
Nitriding behavior of Fe–4wt% V and Fe–2wt% V alloys
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
Acta Materialia 53 (7), 2069-2079, 2005
Nitride precipitation and coarsening in Fe–2.23 at.% V alloys: XRD and (HR) TEM study of coherent and incoherent diffraction effects caused by misfitting nitride precipitates …
NEV Diaz, SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
Acta Materialia 56 (16), 4137-4149, 2008
Pack-boronizing of AISI 4140 steel: boronizing mechanism and the role of container design
AA Joshi, SS Hosmani
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 29 (9), 1062-1072, 2014
The kinetics of the nitriding of Fe–7Cr alloys; the role of the nitriding potential
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
Materials Science and Technology 21 (1), 113-124, 2005
Role of surface mechanical attrition treatment and chemical etching on plasma nitriding behavior of AISI 304L steel
AM Gatey, SS Hosmani, CA Figueroa, SB Arya, RP Singh
Surface and Coatings Technology 304, 413-424, 2016
Crystal Structure and Morphology of Mixed Cr1–x Al x N Nitride Precipitates: Gaseous Nitriding of a Fe-1.5 Wt Pct Cr-1.5 Wt Pct Al Alloy
AR Clauss, E Bischoff, SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 40, 1923-1934, 2009
Pack-boriding of low alloy steel: microstructure evolution and migration behaviour of alloying elements
AK Litoria, CA Figueroa, LT Bim, CI Pruncu, AA Joshi, SS Hosmani
Philosophical Magazine 100 (3), 353-378, 2020
Nitrogen absorption by Fe-1.04 at.% Cr alloy: uptake of excess nitrogen
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
Journal of materials science 43, 2618-2624, 2008
An introduction to surface alloying of metals
SS Hosmani, P Kuppusami, RK Goyal
Springer India, 2014
Evolution of gradient structured layer on AZ91D magnesium alloy and its corrosion behaviour
D Singh, DA Basha, L Wadsö, D Orlov, Y Matsushita, A Singh, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 882, 160659, 2021
Surface mechanical attrition treated AISI 304L steel: role of process parameters
AM Gatey, SS Hosmani, RP Singh
Surface Engineering 32 (1), 69-78, 2016
The emergence and disappearance of a high density of microcracks in nitrided Fe-4.65 at.% Al alloy
S Meka, SS Hosmani, AR Clauss, EJ Mittemeijer
International journal of materials research 99 (7), 808-814, 2008
High-temperature oxidation behaviour of nanostructure surface layered austenitic stainless steel
D Singh, F Cemin, MJM Jimenez, V Antunes, F Alvarez, D Orlov, ...
Applied Surface Science 581, 152437, 2022
The nitrogen-absorption isotherm for Fe–21.5 at.% Cr alloy: dependence of excess nitrogen uptake on precipitation morphology
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, L Lityńska-Dobrzyńska, EJ Mittemeijer
Philosophical Magazine 88 (16), 2411-2426, 2008
Compound layer formation on iron-based alloys upon nitriding; phase constitution and pore formation
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 63 (3), 139-146, 2008
Microstructure of the “white layer” formed on nitrided Fe-7 wt.% Cr alloys
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
International journal of materials research 97 (11), 1545-1549, 2022
Surface treatment response of AISI 2205 and AISI 304L steels: SMAT and plasma-nitriding
D Singh, AM Gatey, RS Devan, V Antunes, F Alvarez, CA Figueroa, ...
Surface Engineering 35 (3), 205-215, 2019
Tribological performance of boronized, nitrided, and normalized AISI 4140 steel against hydrogenated diamond-like carbon-coated AISI D2 steel
AA Joshi, SS Hosmani, J Dumbre
Tribology Transactions 58 (3), 500-510, 2015
Kinetics of nitriding fe-2 wt pct v alloy: Mobile and immobile excess nitrogen
SS Hosmani, RE Schacherl, EJ Mittemeijer
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 7-16, 2007
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Articles 1–20