Zhihuan Wang
Zhihuan Wang
Sr. Design Engineer at ASML
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Cited by
Nanowire optoelectronics
Z Wang, B Nabet
Nanophotonics 4 (4), 491-502, 2015
On dimensional dependence of interaction of light and nano structures
Z Wang, M Currie, P Dianat, G Konica, P Prete, N Lovergine, B Nabet
Frontiers in Optics, FTh3C. 1, 2013
Enhancement of optoelectronic properties of core–shell nanowires
Z Wang, M Currie, P Dianat, K Montazeri, B Nabet
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 17 (5), 1058-1062, 2018
Large light emission enhancement in gaas/algaas coreshell nanowires
M Currie, Z Wang, P Dianat, P Prete, I Miccoli, N Lovergine, B Nabet
International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials, ICON, 2013
Plasmonic Effects of Low-Dimensional Electron Gas in Core-Shell Nanowires
K Montazeri, Z Wang, B Nabet
Frontiers in Optics, JTh2A. 6, 2016
Xsim: Benchmark tests for the unified DG/GAA MOSFET compact model
X Zhou, G Zhu, MK Srikanth, S Lin, Z Chen, J Zhang, C Wei, Y Yan, ...
Proc. Nanotech 2, 785-788, 2010
Wave-guiding and Cavity Engineering in Core-shell Nanowires with Two Dimensional Electron Gas Plasmons
K Montazeri, Z Wang, B Nabet
Frontiers in Optics, FM4A. 6, 2017
A Core-Shell Nanowire Platform for Silicon Photonics
Z Wang, P Dianat, K Montazeri, B Taskin, M Currie, P Prete, N Lovergine, ...
Laser Science, JW4A. 45, 2017
Lasing from As Grown GaAs-AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires up to Room Temperature
Z Wang, M Currie, P Prete, N Lovergine, B Nabet
Laser Science, LTh2I. 4, 2015
Subcircuit approach to inventive compact modeling for CMOS variability and reliability
X Zhou, GJ Zhu, SH Lin, ZH Chen, MK Srikanth, YF Yan, R Selvakumar, ...
Proceedings of the 2009 12th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits …, 2009
A low-energy high-bandwidth interconnects based on opto-plasmonic capacitors
P Dianat, K Montazeri, Z Wang, B Nabet
Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, Th3E. 4, 2018
THz Detection with Structured Plasmonic Channel
K Montazeri, P Dianat, Z Wang, B Nabet
Frontiers in Optics, JW4A. 1, 2018
Opto-plasmonic devices: controlling light with electrons
B Nabet, P Dianat, Z Wang, K Montazeri
Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications X 10639, 66-75, 2018
Confining Low Energy Light with Tapered Conical Plasmonic Nanowires
K Montazeri, Z Wang, B Nabet
Laser Science, JW3A. 97, 2017
Nanowire Optical Cavities by Fermi Liquid Pseudo-Mirror
K Montazeri, Z Wang, B Nabet
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, T60. 194, 2018
Structured Two-dimensional Electron Gas Channel for Single-band THz Detector
K Montazeri, P Dianat, Z Wang, B Nabet, KM Team
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, V40. 010, 2018
Electro-Optically Sampled Time Response of Core-Shell Nanowires
M Currie, A Persano, A Taurino, F Quaranta, A Cola, P Prete, N Lovergine, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FTh2D. 2, 2017
Dimensional Dependence of Light Interaction with Nanowires
Z Wang
Drexel University, 2017
Light and Rate Management in Nanowires
Z Wang, B Nabet
Frontiers in Optics, FW5C. 6, 2015
A Novel Alternative Infrastructure for Efficient High Volume Computation
P Dianat, Z Wang, T Aung, M Hempstead, L Savidis, B Taskin, M Currie, ...
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Articles 1–20