Theodoros Evgeniou
Theodoros Evgeniou
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Regularized multi--task learning
T Evgeniou, M Pontil
Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2004
Multi-task feature learning
A Argyriou, T Evgeniou, M Pontil
Advances in neural information processing systems 19, 2006
Convex multi-task feature learning
A Argyriou, T Evgeniou, M Pontil
Machine Learning 73 (3), 243-272, 2008
Regularization networks and support vector machines
T Evgeniou, M Pontil, T Poggio
Advances in computational mathematics 13 (1), 1-50, 2000
Learning multiple tasks with kernel methods.
T Evgeniou, CA Micchelli, M Pontil, J Shawe-Taylor
Journal of machine learning research 6 (4), 2005
Support vector machines: Theory and applications
T Evgeniou, M Pontil
Advanced course on artificial intelligence, 249-257, 1999
To combine or not to combine: selecting among forecasts and their combinations
M Hibon, T Evgeniou
International journal of forecasting 21 (1), 15-24, 2005
A new approach to collaborative filtering: Operator estimation with spectral regularization
J Abernethy, F Bach, T Evgeniou, JP Vert
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 10, 803-826, 2009
A trainable pedestrian detection system
C Papageorgiou, T Evgeniou, T Poggio
Proc. of Intelligent Vehicles, 241-246, 1998
Stability of Randomized Learning Algorithms.
A Elisseeff, T Evgeniou, M Pontil, LP Kaelbing
Journal of Machine Learning Research 6 (1), 2005
The need for a system view to regulate artificial intelligence/machine learning-based software as medical device
S Gerke, B Babic, T Evgeniou, IG Cohen
NPJ digital medicine 3 (1), 53, 2020
Disjunctions of conjunctions, cognitive simplicity, and consideration sets
JR Hauser, O Toubia, T Evgeniou, R Befurt, D Dzyabura
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (3), 485-496, 2010
Reproducible evaluation of classification methods in Alzheimer's disease: Framework and application to MRI and PET data
J Samper-González, N Burgos, S Bottani, S Fontanella, P Lu, A Marcoux, ...
NeuroImage 183, 504-521, 2018
Beyond conjoint analysis: Advances in preference measurement
O Netzer, O Toubia, ET Bradlow, E Dahan, T Evgeniou, FM Feinberg, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 337-354, 2008
Beware explanations from AI in health care
B Babic, S Gerke, T Evgeniou, IG Cohen
Science 373 (6552), 284-286, 2021
Dynamic experiments for estimating preferences: An adaptive method of eliciting time and risk parameters
O Toubia, E Johnson, T Evgeniou, P Delquié
Management Science 59 (3), 613-640, 2013
Leave one out error, stability, and generalization of voting combinations of classifiers
T Evgeniou, M Pontil, A Elisseeff
Machine learning 55, 71-97, 2004
A convex optimization approach to modeling consumer heterogeneity in conjoint estimation
T Evgeniou, M Pontil, O Toubia
Marketing Science 26 (6), 805-818, 2007
Artificial intelligence to support the integration of variable renewable energy sources to the power system
P Boza, T Evgeniou
Applied Energy 290, 116754, 2021
Generalized robust conjoint estimation
T Evgeniou, C Boussios, G Zacharia
Marketing Science 24 (3), 415-429, 2005
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Articles 1–20