Non-renewable and intermittent renewable energy sources: Friends and foes? E Baranes, J Jacqmin, JC Poudou Energy Policy 111, 58-67, 2017 | 72 | 2017 |
Why are technological spillovers spatially bounded? A market orientated approach E Baranes, JP Tropeano Regional Science and Urban Economics 33 (4), 445-466, 2003 | 60 | 2003 |
An economist's guide to local loop unbundling E Baranes, M Bourreau Communications & Strategies, 13, 2005 | 36 | 2005 |
The interplay between network investment and content quality: Implications to net neutrality on the Internet E Baranes Information Economics and Policy 28, 57-69, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Interactions between network operators, content producers and internet intermediaries: Empirical implications of network neutrality A Arlandis, E Baranes Intereconomics 46 (2), 98-105, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Access to natural gas storage facilities: Strategic and regulation issues E Baranes, F Mirabel, JC Poudou Energy economics 41, 19-32, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Ex-Ante Asymmetric Regulation and Retail Mmarket Competition: Evidence from Europe’s Mobile Industry E Baranes, CH Vuong Technology and Investment 2 (4), 301-310, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Ouverture des réseaux de télécommunications: problèmes et enjeux E Baranes, MH Jeanneret Revue économique, 1297-1308, 1996 | 15 | 1996 |
How does European termination rate regulation impact mobile operator performance? E Baranes, L Benzoni, CH Vuong Intereconomics 46, 346-353, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Interconnexion de réseaux, qualité et concurrence E Baranes, L Flochel Revue économique, 467-476, 1996 | 14 | 1996 |
Cost-based access regulation and collusion in a differentiated duopoly E Baranes, JC Poudou Economics Letters 106 (3), 172-176, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Multisided markets and platform dominance J Alleman, E Baranes, PN Rappoport Applied Economics in the Digital Era: Essays in Honor of Gary Madden, 303-323, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Competition between health maintenance organizations and nonintegrated health insurance companies in health insurance markets E Baranes, D Bardey Health Economics Review 5, 1-9, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Collusion sustainability with multimarket contacts: Revisiting HHI tests E Baranes, F Mirabel, JC Poudou Theoretical Economics Letters 2 (3), 307-315, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Competition with asymmetric regulation of mobile termination charges E Baranes, CH Vuong Journal of Regulatory Economics 42, 204-222, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Economic analysis of the vertical structure of the European gas network E Baranes, F Mirabel, JC Poudou Energy Studies Review 12 (1), 27-52, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Interconnexion de réseaux et qualité de l’infrastructure comme barrière à l’entrée: quels instruments de régulation? E Baranes, L Flochel Recherches Économiques de Louvain/Louvain Economic Review 65 (1), 23-46, 1999 | 9 | 1999 |
Considering shale gas in Europe M Bazilian, A Pedersen, E Baranes EEJ 3, 37, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Horizontal mergers on platform markets: cost savings v. cross-group network effects? E Baranes, T Cortade, A Cosnita-Langlais | 7 | 2019 |
Mixed bundling may hinder collusion E Baranes, M Podesta, JC Poudou Research in Economics 70 (4), 638-658, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |