Henry Hosseini
Cited by
Cited by
We value your privacy... now take some cookies: Measuring the GDPR's impact on web privacy
M Degeling, C Utz, C Lentzsch, H Hosseini, F Schaub, T Holz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.05096, 2018
Leveraging sensor fingerprinting for mobile device authentication
T Hupperich, H Hosseini, T Holz
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 13th …, 2016
We Value Your Privacy
M Degeling, C Utz, C Lentzsch, H Hosseini, F Schaub, T Holz
Now Take Some Cookies: Measuring the GDPR’s Impact on Web Privacy, 2019
A tale of two regulatory regimes: Creation and analysis of a bilingual privacy policy corpus
S Arora, H Hosseini, C Utz, VK Bannihatti, T Dhellemmes, A Ravichander, ...
LREC proceedings, 2022
Unifying privacy policy detection
H Hosseini, M Degeling, C Utz, T Hupperich
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2021
Bars, badges, and high scores: On the impact of password strength visualizations
M Golla, B Hahn, KM zu Selhausen, H Hosseini, M Dürmuth
Who Are You, 2018
A Bilingual Longitudinal Analysis of Privacy Policies Measuring the Impacts of the GDPR and the CCPA/CPRA
H Hosseini, C Utz, M Degeling, T Hupperich
CISPA, 2024
Assessing the Security and Privacy of Baby Monitor Apps
L Schmidt, H Hosseini, T Hupperich
Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 3 (3), 303-326, 2023
Die digitale Mittelstadt der Zukunft verstehen: Ein transdisziplinärer Forschungsrahmen
J Bücker, J Zelinka, M Parreira do Amaral, J Becker, B Distel, C Feldhaus, ...
Working Papers–Forschungsgruppe Digitale Mittelstadt der Zukunft (FOR 5393), 2023
Automated Search for Leaked Private Keys on the Internet: Has Your Private Key Been Pwned?
H Hosseini, J Rengstorf, T Hupperich
ICSOFT, 649-656, 2022
Who Wrote When? Author Diarization in Social Media Discussions
B Boenninghoff, H Hosseini, R Nickel, D Kolossa
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, 15721 …, 2024
We Value Your Privacy... Now Take Some Cookies1
M Degeling, C Utz, C Lentzsch, H Hosseini, F Schaub, T Holz
Spektrum, 345, 2019
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