Anton Gladky
Anton Gladky
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Yade reference documentation
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
Yade Documentation 474 (1), 1-531, 2010
Comparison of different capillary bridge models for application in the discrete element method
A Gladkyy, R Schwarze
Granular Matter 16 (6), 911-920, 2014
Yade, using and programming
V Šmilauer, A Gladky, J Kozicki, C Modenese, J Stránský
Yade Documentation, 2010
Rheology of weakly wetted granular materials: a comparison of experimental and numerical data
R Schwarze, A Gladkyy, F Uhlig, S Luding
Granular matter 15 (4), 455-465, 2013
Discrete element modeling of deformable particles in YADE
M Haustein, A Gladkyy, R Schwarze
SoftwareX 6, 118-123, 2017
DEM simulation of polyhedral particle cracking using a combined Mohr–Coulomb–Weibull failure criterion
A Gladkyy, M Kuna
Granular Matter 19 (3), 41, 2017
Yade documentation 2nd ed
V Smilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, N Dyck, ...
Geneva: CERN-Zenodo 10, 2015
Clump breakage algorithm for DEM simulation of crushable aggregates
K Brzeziński, A Gladky
Tribology International 173, 107661, 2022
Implementation of high-precision computation capabilities into the open-source dynamic simulation framework YADE
J Kozicki, A Gladky, K Thoeni
Computer Physics Communications 270, 108167, 2022
Numerical modeling of bulk flow on a pelletizing disc in different rotational regimes
A Gladky, H Lieberwirth, J Lampke, R Schwarze
Granular Matter 23, 1-9, 2021
Yade Documentation 3rd ed., The Yade Project,(2021)
V Smilauer, V Angelidakis, E Catalano, R Caulk, B Chareyre, ...
YADE-An extensible framework for the interactive simulation of multiscale, multiphase, and multiphysics particulate systems
V Angelidakis, K Boschi, K Brzeziński, RA Caulk, B Chareyre, ...
Computer Physics Communications 304, 109293, 2024
Implementation of a viscoelastic boundary condition to Yade–open source DEM software
K Brzeziński, A Zbiciak, A Gladky
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 61, 2023
Numerical benchmarking of granular flow with shear dependent incompressible flow models
S Mandal, S Turek, R Schwarze, M Haustein, A Ouazzi, A Gladky
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 262, 92-106, 2018
DEM simulations of weakly wetted granular materials: implementation of capillary bridge models
A Gladky, S Roy, T Weinhart, S Luding, R Schwarze
Fourth Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2015), 2015
YADE-An open-source framework for open-science
B Chareyre, V Angelidakis, K Boschi, K Brzeziński, RA Caulk, ...
9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9): Book of …, 2023
Critical state flow rules for CFD simulations of wet granular flows
R Schwarze, A Gladkyy, S Luding
PARTICLES III: proceedings of the III International Conference on Particle …, 2013
Implementation and Verification of an Algorithm for Deformable Discrete Particles in the YADE DEM Software
M Haustein, A Gladkyy, R Schwarze
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Articles 1–18