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Why are some people left-handed? An evolutionary perspective
V Llaurens, M Raymond, C Faurie
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
The gene cortex controls mimicry and crypsis in butterflies and moths
NJ Nadeau, C Pardo-Diaz, A Whibley, MA Supple, SV Saenko, ...
Nature 534 (7605), 106-110, 2016
The diversification of Heliconius butterflies: what have we learned in 150 years?
RM Merrill, KK Dasmahapatra, JW Davey, DD Dell'Aglio, JJ Hanly, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (8), 1417-1438, 2015
Genetic architecture and balancing selection: the life and death of differentiated variants
V Llaurens, A Whibley, M Joron
Molecular ecology 26 (9), 2430-2448, 2017
Adaptive evolution of butterfly wing shape: from morphology to behaviour
C Le Roy, V Debat, V Llaurens
Biological Reviews 94 (4), 1261-1281, 2019
Mutation load at a mimicry supergene sheds new light on the evolution of inversion polymorphisms
P Jay, M Chouteau, A Whibley, H Bastide, H Parrinello, V Llaurens, ...
Nature genetics 53 (3), 288-293, 2021
Balancing selection via life-history trade-offs maintains an inversion polymorphism in a seaweed fly
C Mérot, V Llaurens, E Normandeau, L Bernatchez, M Wellenreuther
Nature communications 11 (1), 670, 2020
Polymorphism at a mimicry supergene maintained by opposing frequency-dependent selection pressures
M Chouteau, V Llaurens, F Piron-Prunier, M Joron
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (31), 8325-8329, 2017
Evolution of dominance mechanisms at a butterfly mimicry supergene
Y Le Poul, A Whibley, M Chouteau, F Prunier, V Llaurens, M Joron
Nature communications 5 (1), 5644, 2014
Does frequency-dependent selection with complex dominance interactions accurately predict allelic frequencies at the self-incompatibility locus in Arabidopsis halleri?
V Llaurens, S Billiard, JB Leducq, V Castric, EK Klein, X Vekemans
Evolution 62 (10), 2545-2557, 2008
Effects of temperature on cell size and number in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria
WU Blanckenhorn, V Llaurens
Journal of Thermal Biology 30 (3), 213-219, 2005
High paternal diversity in the self‐incompatible herb Arabidopsis halleri despite clonal reproduction and spatially restricted pollen dispersal
V Llaurens, V Castric, F Austerlitz, X Vekemans
Molecular Ecology 17 (6), 1577-1588, 2008
Ritual fights and male reproductive success in a human population
V Llaurens, M Raymond, C Faurie
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (9), 1854-1859, 2009
Crossing fitness valleys: empirical estimation of a fitness landscape associated with polymorphic mimicry
M Arias, Y Le Poul, M Chouteau, R Boisseau, N Rosser, M Théry, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1829), 20160391, 2016
Why has transparency evolved in aposematic butterflies? Insights from the largest radiation of aposematic butterflies, the Ithomiini
M McClure, C Clerc, C Desbois, A Meichanetzoglou, M Cau, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1901), 20182769, 2019
The integrative biology of genetic dominance
S Billiard, V Castric, V Llaurens
Biological Reviews 96 (6), 2925-2942, 2021
Evolution of dominance in sporophytic self-incompatibility systems: I. Genetic load and coevolution of levels of dominance in pollen and pistil
V Llaurens, S Billiard, V Castric, X Vekemans
Evolution 63 (9), 2427-2437, 2009
The Sheltered Genetic Load Linked to the S Locus in Plants: New Insights From Theoretical and Empirical Approaches in Sporophytic Self-Incompatibility
V Llaurens, L Gonthier, S Billiard
Genetics 183 (3), 1105-1118, 2009
Evolution of self‐incompatibility in the Brassicaceae: Lessons from a textbook example of natural selection
E Durand, M Chantreau, A Le Veve, R Stetsenko, M Dubin, M Genete, ...
Evolutionary Applications 13 (6), 1279-1297, 2020
Cryptic differences in colour among Müllerian mimics: how can the visual capacities of predators and prey shape the evolution of wing colours?
V Llaurens, M Joron, M Théry
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (3), 531-540, 2014
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