Oleg Shiryayev
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Cited by
Strain based FBG sensor for real-time corrosion rate monitoring in pre-stressed structures
K Al Handawi, N Vahdati, P Rostron, L Lawand, O Shiryayev
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 236, 276-285, 2016
Parameter estimation and investigation of a bolted joint model
OV Shiryayev, SM Page, CL Pettit, JC Slater
Journal of Sound and Vibration 307 (3-5), 680-697, 2007
Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search
P Brown, Y Zhou
Database 2019, baz085, 2019
4D printed thermochromic Fresnel lenses for sensing applications
M Ali, F Alam, YF Fah, O Shiryayev, N Vahdati, H Butt
Composites Part B: Engineering 230, 109514, 2022
External corrosion detection of oil pipelines using fiber optics
N Vahdati, X Wang, O Shiryayev, P Rostron, FF Yap
Sensors 20 (3), 684, 2020
Detection of fatigue cracks using random decrement signatures
OV Shiryayev, JC Slater
Structural Health Monitoring 9 (4), 347-360, 2010
Detection of internal metal loss in steel pipes and storage tanks via magnetic-based fiber optic sensor
S Almahmoud, O Shiryayev, N Vahdati, P Rostron
Sensors 18 (3), 815, 2018
A computational study on the basis for a safe speed limit for bicycles on shared paths considering the severity of pedestrian head injuries in bicyclist-pedestrian collisions
M Paudel, FF Yap, TBM Rosli, KH Tan, H Xu, N Vahdati, H Butt, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 176, 106792, 2022
Post-resonance backward whirl in accelerating cracked rotor systems
MA AL-Shudeifat, O Shiryayev, F Al Hammadi, T Alzarooni, C Nataraj
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 83, 104039, 2020
Corrosivity sensor for exposed pipelines based on wireless energy transfer
L Lawand, O Shiryayev, K Al Handawi, N Vahdati, P Rostron
Sensors 17 (6), 1238, 2017
Aeroelastic system identification using the minimum model error method
OV Shiryayev, JC Slater
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 29 (4), 936-943, 2006
Effect of magnetic field on the corrosion of API-5L-X65 steel using electrochemical methods in a flow loop
S Parapurath, A Ravikumar, N Vahdati, O Shiryayev
Applied Sciences 11 (19), 9329, 2021
Compliant mechanism-based sensor for large strain measurements employing fiber optics
O Shiryayev, N Vahdati, FF Yap, H Butt
Sensors 22 (11), 3987, 2022
On post-resonance backward whirl in an overhung rotor with snubbing contact
CN Mohammad A. AL-Shudeifat, Michael Friswell, Oleg Shiryayev
Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020
Improved structural damage identification using random decrement signatures: application to FEM data
OV Shiryayev, JC Slater
Structural Control and Health Monitoring: The Official Journal of the …, 2008
Parametric study of the corrosion of API-5L-X65 QT steel using potentiostat based measurements in a flow loop
A Ravikumar, P Rostron, N Vahdati, O Shiryayev
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 444, 2021
Breathing crack model effect on rotor's postresonance backward whirl
T Alzarooni, MA Al-Shudeifat, O Shiryayev, C Nataraj
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 15 (12), 121007, 2020
Application of the random decrement technique to a nonlinear dynamic system
O Shiryayev, J Slater
47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2006
Corrosivity monitoring system using RFID-based sensors
L Lawand, O Shiryayev, KB Alhandawi, N Vahdati, P Rostron
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2016
Improved structural health monitoring using random decrement signatures
OV Shiryayev
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Articles 1–20