Florence Maraninchi
Florence Maraninchi
Professor, Grenoble INP / Ensimag & Verimag Lab
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Cited by
The Argos language: Graphical representation of automata and description of reactive systems
F Maraninchi
IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages 3, 1991
Operational and compositional semantics of synchronous automaton compositions
F Maraninchi
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 550-564, 1992
Mode-automata: a new domain-specific construct for the development of safe critical systems
F Maraninchi, Y Rémond
Science of computer programming 46 (3), 219-254, 2003
Argos: an automaton-based synchronous language
F Maraninchi, Y Rémond
Computer languages 27 (1-3), 61-92, 2001
Defining and translating a" safe" subset of Simulink/Stateflow into Lustre
N Scaife, C Sofronis, P Caspi, S Tripakis, F Maraninchi
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2004
Mode-automata: About modes and states for reactive systems
F Maraninchi, Y Rémond
European Symposium On Programming, 185-199, 1998
A SystemC/TLM Semantics in Promela and Its Possible Applications
C Traulsen, J Cornet, M Moy, F Maraninchi
International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 204-222, 2007
Pinapa: An extraction tool for systemc descriptions of systems-on-a-chip
M Moy, F Maraninchi, L Maillet-Contoz
Proceedings of the 5th ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2005
Guidelines for a graduate curriculum on embedded software and systems
P Caspi, A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, L Almeida, A Benveniste, ...
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 4 (3), 587-611, 2005
Using controller-synthesis techniques to build property-enforcing layers
K Altisen, A Clodic, F Maraninchi, É Rutten
European Symposium on Programming, 174-188, 2003
LusSy: an open tool for the analysis of systems-on-a-chip at the transaction level
M Moy, F Maraninchi, L Maillet-Contoz
Design Automation for Embedded Systems 10, 73-104, 2005
LusSy: A toolbox for the analysis of systems-on-a-chip at the transactional level
M Moy, F Maraninchi, L Maillet-Contoz
Fifth International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System …, 2005
Argonaute: graphical description, semantics and verification of reactive systems by using a process algebra
F Maraninchi
Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems: International …, 1990
GLONEMO: Global and accurate formal models for the analysis of ad-hoc sensor networks
L Samper, F Maraninchi, L Mounier, L Mandel
Proceedings of the first international conference on Integrated internet ad …, 2006
Automatic generation of schedulings for improving the test coverage of systems-on-a-chip
C Helmstetter, F Maraninchi, L Maillet-Contoz, M Moy
2006 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, 171-178, 2006
A multiparadigm language for reactive systems
M Jourdan, F Lagnier, F Maraninchi, P Raymond
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages …, 1994
On the symbolic analysis of combinational loops in circuits and synchronous programs
N Halbwachs, F Maraninchi
Euromicro, 1995
Verifying quantitative real-time properties of synchronous programs
M Jourdan, F Maraninchi, A Olivero
Computer Aided Verification: 5th International Conference, CAV'93 Elounda …, 1993
A method for the efficient development of timed and untimed transaction-level models of systems-on-chip
J Cornet, F Maraninchi, L Maillet-Contoz
Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 9-14, 2008
Logical-time contracts for reactive embedded components
F Maraninchi, L Morel
Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004., 48-55, 2004
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20