Nishchal K Verma
Cited by
Cited by
Intelligent condition based monitoring using acoustic signals for air compressors
NK Verma, RK Sevakula, S Dixit, A Salour
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 65 (1), 291-309, 2015
Adaptive type-2 fuzzy approach for filtering salt and pepper noise in grayscale images
V Singh, R Dev, NK Dhar, P Agrawal, NK Verma
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 26 (5), 3170-3176, 2018
Transfer learning for molecular cancer classification using deep neural networks
RK Sevakula, V Singh, NK Verma, C Kumar, Y Cui
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 16 (6 …, 2018
Generating feature sets for fault diagnosis using denoising stacked auto-encoder
R Thirukovalluru, S Dixit, RK Sevakula, NK Verma, A Salour
2016 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management …, 2016
Intelligent condition based monitoring of rotating machines using sparse auto-encoders
NK Verma, VK Gupta, M Sharma, RK Sevakula
2013 IEEE Conference on prognostics and health management (PHM), 1-7, 2013
Intelligent fault diagnosis of rotary machines: Conditional auxiliary classifier GAN coupled with meta learning using limited data
S Dixit, NK Verma, AK Ghosh
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-11, 2021
A wide-area damping controller considering network input and output delays and packet drop
BP Padhy, SC Srivastava, NK Verma
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (1), 166-176, 2016
Adaptive critic-based event-triggered control for HVAC system
NK Dhar, NK Verma, L Behera
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (1), 178-188, 2017
SVM based methods for arrhythmia classification in ECG
N Kohli, NK Verma, A Roy
2010 international conference on computer and communication technology …, 2010
CNN-based transformer model for fault detection in power system networks
JB Thomas, SG Chaudhari, KV Shihabudheen, NK Verma
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72, 1-10, 2023
Content based color image classification using SVM
S Agrawal, NK Verma, P Tamrakar, P Sircar
2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New …, 2011
Robust wide-area TS fuzzy output feedback controller for enhancement of stability in multimachine power system
BP Padhy, SC Srivastava, NK Verma
IEEE Systems Journal 6 (3), 426-435, 2011
Design of sliding mode and backstepping controllers for a quadcopter
VK Tripathi, L Behera, N Verma
2015 39th national systems conference (NSC), 1-6, 2015
Event-triggered sliding mode control for trajectory tracking of nonlinear systems
A Mustafa, NK Dhar, NK Verma
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 7 (1), 307-314, 2019
Developing deep fuzzy network with Takagi Sugeno fuzzy inference system
S Rajurkar, NK Verma
2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2017
Intelligent condition-based monitoring of rotary machines with few samples
S Dixit, NK Verma
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (23), 14337-14346, 2020
Condition monitoring of machines using fused features from EMD-based local energy with DNN
S Maurya, V Singh, NK Verma
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (15), 8316-8327, 2019
A coherency-based approach for signal selection for wide area stabilizing control in power systems
BP Padhy, SC Srivastava, NK Verma
IEEE Systems Journal 7 (4), 807-816, 2013
Finite‐time super twisting sliding mode controller based on higher‐order sliding mode observer for real‐time trajectory tracking of a quadrotor
VK Tripathi, AK Kamath, L Behera, NK Verma, S Nahavandi
IET Control Theory & Applications 14 (16), 2359-2371, 2020
Compounding general purpose membership functions for fuzzy support vector machine under noisy environment
RK Sevakula, NK Verma
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 25 (6), 1446-1459, 2017
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Articles 1–20