Marcio Santos
Marcio Santos
Federal University of Sergipe
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Cardiovascular effects of monoterpenes: a review
MRV Santos, FV Moreira, BP Fraga, DP Souza, LR Bonjardim, ...
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 21, 764-771, 2011
Antioxidant activity and mechanisms of action of natural compounds isolated from lichens: A systematic review
PAS White, RCM Oliveira, AP Oliveira, MR Serafini, AAS Araújo, ...
Molecules 19 (9), 14496-14527, 2014
Phythochemical screening and anticonvulsant activity of Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt (Poaceae) leaf essential oil in rodents
LJ Quintans-Júnior, TT Souza, BS Leite, NMN Lessa, LR Bonjardim, ...
Phytomedicine 15 (8), 619-624, 2008
Improvement of p-cymene antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects by inclusion in β-cyclodextrin
JSS Quintans, PP Menezes, MRV Santos, LR Bonjardim, JRGS Almeida, ...
Phytomedicine 20 (5), 436-440, 2013
Review of the biological properties and toxicity of usnic acid
AAS Araújo, MGD De Melo, TK Rabelo, PS Nunes, SL Santos, ...
Natural product research 29 (23), 2167-2180, 2015
Hypotensive and vasorelaxant effects of citronellol, a monoterpene alcohol, in rats
JFA Bastos, ÍJA Moreira, TP Ribeiro, IA Medeiros, AR Antoniolli, ...
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 106 (4), 331-337, 2010
Citronellol, a monoterpene alcohol, reduces nociceptive and inflammatory activities in rodents
RG Brito, AG Guimarăes, JSS Quintans, MRV Santos, DP De Sousa, ...
Journal of natural medicines 66, 637-644, 2012
Household structure and urban services: neglected targets in the control of visceral leishmaniasis
CHN Costa, GL Werneck, L Rodrigues, MV Santos, IB Araújo, LS Moura, ...
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 99 (3), 229-236, 2005
Solid-state β-cyclodextrin complexes containing geraniol
PP Menezes, MR Serafini, BV Santana, RS Nunes, LJ Quintans Jr, ...
Thermochimica acta 548, 45-50, 2012
A systematic review of medicinal plants used for weight loss in Brazil: Is there potential for obesity treatment?
LM Cercato, PAS White, FK Nampo, MRV Santos, EA Camargo
Journal of ethnopharmacology 176, 286-296, 2015
A systematic review of the wound-healing effects of monoterpenes and iridoid derivatives
RSS Barreto, RLC Albuquerque-Júnior, AAS Araújo, JRGS Almeida, ...
Molecules 19 (1), 846-862, 2014
Structure–activity relationship of terpenes with anti‐inflammatory profile–A systematic review
MT de Santana Souza, JRGS Almeida, AA de Souza Araujo, MC Duarte, ...
Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology 115 (3), 244-256, 2014
Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties of p-cymene in mice
LR Bonjardim, ES Cunha, AG Guimarăes, MF Santana, MGB Oliveira, ...
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 67 (1-2), 15-21, 2012
Levantamento fitossociológico em pastagens degradadas sob condiçőes de várzea
LD Tuffi Santos, IC Santos, CH Oliveira, MV Santos, FA Ferreira, ...
Planta Daninha 22, 343-349, 2004
Citral reduces nociceptive and inflammatory response in rodents
LJ Quintans-Júnior, AG Guimarăes, MT Santana, BES Araújo, FV Moreira, ...
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 21, 497-502, 2011
Carvacrol,(-)-borneol and citral reduce convulsant activity in rodents
LJ Quintans-Júnior, AG Guimarăes, BES Araújo, GF Oliveira, MT Santana, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (39), 6566-6572, 2010
The burden of Leishmania chagasi infection during an urban outbreak of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil
GL Werneck, L Rodrigues Jr, MV Santos, IB Araújo, LS Moura, SS Lima, ...
Acta tropica 83 (1), 13-18, 2002
Hypotensive activity of terpenes found in essential oils
IAC Menezes, CMN Barreto, ÂR Antoniolli, MRV Santos, DP Sousa
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 65 (9-10), 562-566, 2010
β‐Cyclodextrin Complex Containing Lippia grata Leaf Essential Oil Reduces Orofacial Nociception in Mice – Evidence of Possible Involvement of Descending …
PS Siqueira‐Lima, AAS Araújo, AM Lucchese, JSS Quintans, ...
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 114 (2), 188-196, 2014
Cardiovascular effects induced by linalool in normotensive and hypertensive rats
PJC Anjos, AO Lima, PS Cunha, DP De Sousa, ASC Onofre, TP Ribeiro, ...
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 68 (5-6), 181-190, 2013
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Articles 1–20