Debra Casey
Debra Casey
Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, Temple University
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Cited by
Identifying the “Invisible Colleges” of the Industrial & Labor Relations Review: A Bibliometric Approach
DL Casey, GS McMillan
Ilr Review 62 (1), 126-132, 2008
Research Note: Identifying the Invisible Colleges of the British Journal of Industrial Relations: A Bibliometric and Social Network Approach
GS McMillan, DL Casey
British Journal of Industrial Relations 45 (4), 815-828, 2007
Advances in industrial and labor relations
D Lewin, PJ Gollan
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021
The scientific openness decision model:“Gaming” the technological and scientific outcomes
GS McMillan, A Mauri, DL Casey
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 86, 132-142, 2014
The ethical dilemma of research and development openness versus secrecy
S McMillan, R Duska, R Hamilton, D Casey
Journal of Business Ethics 65, 279-285, 2006
Paradigm shifts in industrial relations: A bibliometric and social network approach
G Steven McMillan, DL Casey
Advances in industrial and labor relations, 207-255, 2010
Examining the scope of the accounting literature: a bibliometric review of a decade of research
GS McMillan, DL Casey
International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 1 (2), 147-159, 2018
Employee voice and silence: a bibliometric analysis of the literature
DL Casey, GS McMillan
International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 1 (3), 251-266, 2019
Smart specialisation in Malta: a bibliometric look at aquaculture
GS McMillan, F Bezzina, DL Casey
International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 11 (1), 51-61, 2016
The top management team literature: a bibliometric approach
GS McMillan, DL Casey
International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 1 (2), 123-132, 2018
Strength in small: the University of Malta’s scientific output since accession
GS McMillan, B St-Louis Lalonde, FH Bezzina, DL Casey
International Journal of Innovation Science 8 (3), 269-287, 2016
Managing conflict through organizational ombuds programs: The exercise of remedial and preventive voice in the workplace
DL Casey
Rutgers University, 2007
Europe 2020 and the European Research Area: the response by three small European countries
GS McMillan, B St-Louislalonde, F Bezzina, DL Casey
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 34 (4), 495-510, 2021
Positive organizational outcomes associated with a penchant for openness
GS McMillan, DL Casey
Science and engineering ethics 19, 799-812, 2013
Measuring the Output of Research at the University of Malta
GS McMillan, F Bezzina, DL Casey
ISPIM Innovation Symposium, 1, 2016
Malta's science base and accession into the European Union: before and after
GS McMillan, F Bezzina, DL Casey
International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 6 (4), 343-355, 2015
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Articles 1–16