Ricardo H. C. Takahashi
Cited by
Cited by
Improvements in genetic algorithms
JA Vasconcelos, JA Ramirez, RHC Takahashi, RR Saldanha
IEEE Transactions on magnetics 37 (5), 3414-3417, 2002
Electric distribution network multiobjective design using a problem-specific genetic algorithm
EG Carrano, LAE Soares, RHC Takahashi, RR Saldanha, OM Neto
IEEE transactions on power delivery 21 (2), 995-1005, 2006
Improving generalization of MLPs with multi-objective optimization
R de Albuquerque Teixeira, AP Braga, RHC Takahashi, RR Saldanha
Neurocomputing 35 (1-4), 189-194, 2000
Electric distribution network expansion under load-evolution uncertainty using an immune system inspired algorithm
EG Carrano, FG Guimarães, RHC Takahashi, OM Neto, F Campelo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (2), 851-861, 2007
A genetic algorithm for irregularly shaped spatial scan statistics
L Duczmal, ALF Cançado, RHC Takahashi, LF Bessegato
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (1), 43-52, 2007
A hybrid multiobjective evolutionary approach for improving the performance of wireless sensor networks
FVC Martins, EG Carrano, EF Wanner, RHC Takahashi, GR Mateus
IEEE Sensors Journal 11 (3), 545-554, 2010
A multiobjective methodology for evaluating genetic operators
RHC Takahashi, JA Vasconcelos, JA Ramírez, L Krahenbuhl
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 39 (3), 1321-1324, 2003
Multiobjective H/sub 2//H/sub/spl infin//guaranteed cost PID design
RHC Takahashi, PLD Peres, PAV Ferreira
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 17 (5), 37-47, 1997
A novel approach for H2/H∞ robust PID synthesis for uncertain systems
EN Goncalves, RM Palhares, RHC Takahashi
Journal of process control 18 (1), 19-26, 2008
Vertical social distancing policy is ineffective to contain the COVID-19 pandemic
LH Duczmal, ACL Almeida, DB Duczmal, CRL Alves, FCO Magalhães, ...
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 36, e00084420, 2020
Incipient fault detection in induction machine stator-winding using a fuzzy-Bayesian change point detection approach
MFSV D’Angelo, RM Palhares, RHC Takahashi, RH Loschi, ...
Applied Soft Computing 11 (1), 179-192, 2011
Delineation of irregularly shaped disease clusters through multiobjective optimization
L Duczmal, ALF Cançado, RHC Takahashi
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 17 (1), 243-262, 2008
Manual de computação evolutiva e metaheurística
A Gaspar-Cunha, R Takahashi, CH Antunes
Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra/Coimbra University Press, 2012
H/sub 2//H/sub/spl infin//filter design for systems with polytope-bounded uncertainty
EN Gonçalves, RM Palhares, RHC Takahashi
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (9), 3620-3626, 2006
Optimal substation location and energy distribution network design using a hybrid GA-BFGS algorithm
EG Carrano, RHC Takahashi, EP Cardoso, RR Saldanha, OM Neto
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 152 (6), 919-926, 2005
Otimização escalar e vetorial
RHC Takahashi
Notas de aula, 2007
The real-biased multiobjective genetic algorithm and its application to the design of wire antennas
RM Ramos, RR Saldanha, RHC Takahashi, FJS Moreira
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 39 (3), 1329-1332, 2003
Local search with quadratic approximations into memetic algorithms for optimization with multiple criteria
EF Wanner, FG Guimarães, RHC Takahashi, PJ Fleming
Evolutionary computation 16 (2), 185-224, 2008
A multicriteria statistical based comparison methodology for evaluating evolutionary algorithms
EG Carrano, EF Wanner, RHC Takahashi
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 15 (6), 848-870, 2011
Voronoi distance based prospective space-time scans for point data sets: a dengue fever cluster analysis in a southeast Brazilian town
LH Duczmal, GJP Moreira, D Burgarelli, RHC Takahashi, FCO Magalhães, ...
International journal of health geographics 10, 1-14, 2011
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Articles 1–20