Yury Tokpanov
Yury Tokpanov
PhD from Caltech. Machine Learning Research Engineer.
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Cited by
Determination of optical and microstructural parameters of ceria films
TS Oh, YS Tokpanov, Y Hao, WC Jung, SM Haile
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (10), 2012
Deep-Learning-Based Automated Stratigraphic Correlation
Y Tokpanov, J Smith, Z Ma, L Deng, W Benhallam, A Salehi, X Zhai, ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2020
Optimizing photonic nanostructures via multi-fidelity Gaussian processes
J Song, YS Tokpanov, Y Chen, D Fleischman, KT Fountaine, HA Atwater, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.07707, 2018
Quantum coherence preservation in extremely dispersive plasmonic media
YS Tokpanov, JS Fakonas, B Vest, HA Atwater
Physical Review Applied 12 (4), 044037, 2019
Measurements of magnetic permeability of soft steel at high frequencies
Y Tokpanov, V Lebedev, W Pellico
Proceedings of IPAC-2012, 2012
Resonant subterahertz coherent acoustic waves excitation by Josephson junction
NI Polzikova, GD Mansfeld, YS Tokpanov, VP Koshelets
2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the …, 2011
Test of Optical Stochastic Cooling in the IOTA Ring
VA Lebedev, YS Tokpanov, MS Zolotorev
North American Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2013) Conference, 2013
Mirrored Plasmonic Filter Design via Active Learning of Multi-Fidelity Physical Models
J Song, YS Tokpanov, Y Chen, D Fleischman, KT Fountaine, Y Yue, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTu2D. 6, 2020
Towards next generation of optoelectronics: from quantum plasmonics and 2D materials to advanced optimization techniques of nanophotonic devices
Y Tokpanov
California Institute of Technology, 2020
Quantum interference of highly-dispersive surface plasmons (Conference Presentation)
YS Tokpanov, JS Fakonas, HA Atwater
Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and …, 2016
Measurement of magnetic permeability of steel laminations of Booster gradient magnets
Y Tokpanov, V Lebedev, W Pellico
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.0247, 2011
Supplemental Materials for
YS Tokpanov, JS Fakonas, B Vest, HA Atwater
PARTI 2011 Report Measurement of magnetic permeability of steel laminations of Booster gradient magnets
Y Tokpanov
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Articles 1–13