Redouane Ezzahir
Redouane Ezzahir
professeur d'informatique, Université Ibn zohr Agadir
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Dischoco 2: A platform for distributed constraint reasoning
M Wahbi, R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf
Proceedings of DCR 11, 112-121, 2011
DisChoco: A platform for distributed constraint programming
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, M Belaissaoui, EH Bouyakhf
Proceedings of the IJCAI 7, 16-21, 2007
Asynchronous inter-level forward-checking for DisCSPs
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, M Wahbi, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2009: 15th …, 2009
Time-bounded query generator for constraint acquisition
H Ait Addi, C Bessiere, R Ezzahir, N Lazaar
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and …, 2018
Nogood-based asynchronous forward checking algorithms
M Wahbi, R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf
Constraints 18, 404-433, 2013
Dynamic backtracking for distributed constraint optimization
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf, M Belaissaoui
ECAI 2008, 901-902, 2008
Three-level binary tree structure for sentiment classification in Arabic text
HA Addi, R Ezzahir, A Mahmoudi
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on networking, information …, 2020
Asynchronous forward bounding revisited
M Wahbi, R Ezzahir, C Bessiere
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2013
Asynchronous breadth first search dcop algorithm
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, I Benelallam, M Belaissaoui
Applied Mathematical Sciences 2 (37-40), 1837-1854, 2008
Connecting AFB_BJ+ with soft arc consistency
R Adrdor, R Ezzahir, L Koutti
International Journal of Computing and Optimization 5 (1), 9-20, 2018
Sampling techniques for Arabic sentiment classification: a comparative study
HA Addi, R Ezzahir
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on networking, information …, 2020
Maintaining arc consistency asynchronously in synchronous distributed search
M Wahbi, R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf
2012 IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2012
Asynchronous backtracking with compilation formulation for handling complex local problems
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf, M Belaissaoui
ICGST International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning …, 2008
Compilation formulation for asynchronous backtracking with complex local problems
R Ezzahir, M Belaissaoui, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf
2007 International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent …, 2007
Asynchronous maintenance of arc consistency
I Benelallam, S Hammoujan, R Ezzahir, EH Bouyakhf
Applied Mathematical Sciences 4 (25), 1197-1212, 2010
Consistance d’arc souple appliquée aux problèmes dcop
R Adrdor, R Ezzahir, L Koutti
JIAF, 63, 2020
-quacq: Algorithm for Constraint Acquisition System
HA Addi, R Ezzahir
International Conference on Advanced Information Technology, Services and …, 2018
Dynamic Branch & Bound Distribué
I Benelallam, M Belaissaoui, R Ezzahir, EH Bouyakhf
JFPC 2008-Quatrièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes …, 2008
Distributed dynamic branch and bound
REEHBI Benelallam, M Belaissaoui, R Ezzahir, EH Bouyakhf
Proc. JFPC 8, 154, 0
Supervised classifiers and keyword extraction methods for text classification in Arabic
HA Addi, R Ezzahir
2024 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and …, 2024
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Articles 1–20