Alastair Beresford
Alastair Beresford
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
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Cited by
Location privacy in pervasive computing
AR Beresford, F Stajano
IEEE Pervasive computing 2 (1), 46-55, 2003
Mix zones: User privacy in location-aware services
AR Beresford, F Stajano
IEEE Annual conference on pervasive computing and communications workshops …, 2004
Mockdroid: trading privacy for application functionality on smartphones
AR Beresford, A Rice, N Skehin, R Sohan
Proceedings of the 12th workshop on mobile computing systems and …, 2011
Unwillingness to pay for privacy: A field experiment
AR Beresford, D Kübler, S Preibusch
Economics letters 117 (1), 25-27, 2012
Scalable, distributed, real-time map generation
JJ Davies, AR Beresford, A Hopper
IEEE Pervasive Computing 5 (4), 47-54, 2006
Device analyzer: Understanding smartphone usage
DT Wagner, A Rice, AR Beresford
Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services: 10th …, 2014
A conflict-free replicated JSON datatype
M Kleppmann, AR Beresford
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (10), 2733-2746, 2017
Device Analyzer: Large-scale mobile data collection
DT Wagner, A Rice, AR Beresford
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 41 (4), 53-56, 2014
Security metrics for the android ecosystem
DR Thomas, AR Beresford, A Rice
Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in …, 2015
Location privacy in ubiquitous computing
AR Beresford
University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, 2005
Investigating engagement with in-video quiz questions in a programming course
S Cummins, AR Beresford, A Rice
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 9 (1), 57-66, 2015
Verifying strong eventual consistency in distributed systems
VBF Gomes, M Kleppmann, DP Mulligan, AR Beresford
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 1 (OOPSLA), 1-28, 2017
Intelligent transportation systems
AD Joseph, AR Beresford, J Bacon, DN Cottingham, JJ Davies, BD Jones, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 5 (4), 63-67, 2006
Price versus privacy: an experiment into the competitive advantage of collecting less personal information
S Preibusch, D Kübler, AR Beresford
Electronic Commerce Research 13, 423-455, 2013
Using real-time road traffic data to evaluate congestion
J Bacon, AI Bejan, AR Beresford, D Evans, RJ Gibbens, K Moody
Dependable and Historic Computing: Essays Dedicated to Brian Randell on the …, 2011
Securacy: an empirical investigation of Android applications' network usage, privacy and security
D Ferreira, V Kostakos, AR Beresford, J Lindqvist, AK Dey
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and …, 2015
Ethical issues in research using datasets of illicit origin
DR Thomas, S Pastrana, A Hutchings, R Clayton, AR Beresford
Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference, 445-462, 2017
SensorID: Sensor calibration fingerprinting for smartphones
J Zhang, AR Beresford, I Sheret
2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 638-655, 2019
1000 days of UDP amplification DDoS attacks
DR Thomas, R Clayton, AR Beresford
2017 APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), 79-84, 2017
Libid: reliable identification of obfuscated third-party android libraries
J Zhang, AR Beresford, SA Kollmann
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software …, 2019
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Articles 1–20