Nadir Weibel
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Cited by
ChronoViz: a system for supporting navigation of time-coded data
A Fouse, N Weibel, E Hutchins, JD Hollan
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 299-304, 2011
Chroma: a wearable augmented-reality solution for color blindness
E Tanuwidjaja, D Huynh, K Koa, C Nguyen, C Shao, P Torbett, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2014
Click “like” to change your behavior: a mixed methods study of college students’ exposure to and engagement with Facebook content designed for weight loss
G Merchant, N Weibel, K Patrick, JH Fowler, GJ Norman, A Gupta, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 16 (6), e158, 2014
Context recognition in-the-wild: Unified model for multi-modal sensors and multi-label classification
Y Vaizman, N Weibel, G Lanckriet
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Extrasensory app: Data collection in-the-wild with rich user interface to self-report behavior
Y Vaizman, K Ellis, G Lanckriet, N Weibel
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Artemis: A collaborative mixed-reality system for immersive surgical telementoring
D Gasques, JG Johnson, T Sharkey, Y Feng, R Wang, ZR Xu, E Zavala, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Development and validation of the San Diego Early Test Score to predict acute and early HIV infection risk in men who have sex with men
M Hoenigl, N Weibel, SR Mehta, CM Anderson, J Jenks, N Green, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 61 (3), 468-475, 2015
Let's look at the cockpit: exploring mobile eye-tracking for observational research on the flight deck
N Weibel, A Fouse, C Emmenegger, S Kimmich, E Hutchins
Proceedings of the symposium on eye tracking research and applications, 107-114, 2012
Ethical and regulatory challenges of research using pervasive sensing and other emerging technologies: IRB perspectives
C Nebeker, J Harlow, R Espinoza Giacinto, R Orozco-Linares, CS Bloss, ...
AJOB empirical bioethics 8 (4), 266-276, 2017
“It feels like I am talking into a void”: Understanding interaction gaps in synchronous online classrooms
M Yarmand, J Solyst, S Klemmer, N Weibel
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Paperproof: a paper-digital proof-editing system
N Weibel, A Ispas, B Signer, MC Norrie
CHI'08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 2349-2354, 2008
Broken down by bias: Healthcare biases experienced by BIPOC and LGBTQ+ patients
R Casanova-Perez, C Apodaca, E Bascom, D Mohanraj, C Lane, ...
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2021, 275, 2022
General framework for the rapid development of interactive paper applications
MC Norrie, B Signer, N Weibel
Proc. CoPADD 6, 9-12, 2006
Multimodal prediction of expertise and leadership in learning groups
S Scherer, N Weibel, LP Morency, S Oviatt
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Learning …, 2012
LAB-IN-A-BOX: semi-automatic tracking of activity in the medical office
N Weibel, S Rick, C Emmenegger, S Ashfaq, A Calvitti, Z Agha
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 19, 317-334, 2015
Keystrokes, mouse clicks, and gazing at the computer: how physician interaction with the EHR affects patient participation
RL Street, L Liu, NJ Farber, Y Chen, A Calvitti, N Weibel, MT Gabuzda, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 33, 423-428, 2018
What you sketch is what you get: Quick and easy augmented reality prototyping with pintar
D Gasques, JG Johnson, T Sharkey, N Weibel
Extended abstracts of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing …, 2019
Audio-enhanced paper photos: encouraging social interaction at age 105
AM Piper, N Weibel, J Hollan
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work …, 2013
Print-n-link: weaving the paper web
MC Norrie, B Signer, N Weibel
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 34-43, 2006
What happens when parents and children go grocery shopping? An observational study of Latino dyads in Southern California, USA
J Calderon, GX Ayala, JP Elder, GE Belch, IA Castro, N Weibel, J Pickrel
Health Education & Behavior 44 (1), 5-12, 2017
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Articles 1–20