Simon Graham
Simon Graham
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Cited by
HoVer-Net: Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification of Nuclei in Multi-Tissue Histology Images
S Graham, QD Vu, SEA Raza, A Azam, YW Tsang, JT Kwak, N Rajpoot
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06499, 2018
A multi-organ nucleus segmentation challenge
N Kumar, R Verma, D Anand, Y Zhou, OF Onder, E Tsougenis, H Chen, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (5), 1380-1391, 2019
MILD-Net: Minimal Information Loss Dilated Network for Gland Instance Segmentation in Colon Histology Images
S Graham, H Chen, J Gamper, Q Dou, PA Heng, D Snead, YW Tsang, ...
Medical Image Analysis 52, 199-211, 2018
Predicting breast tumor proliferation from whole-slide images: the TUPAC16 challenge
M Veta, YJ Heng, N Stathonikos, BE Bejnordi, F Beca, T Wollmann, ...
Medical image analysis 54, 111-121, 2019
Methods for segmentation and classification of digital microscopy tissue images
QD Vu, S Graham, T Kurc, MNN To, M Shaban, T Qaiser, NA Koohbanani, ...
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 433738, 2019
Micro-Net: A unified model for segmentation of various objects in microscopy images
SEA Raza, L Cheung, M Shaban, S Graham, D Epstein, S Pelengaris, ...
Medical image analysis 52, 160-173, 2019
Pannuke dataset extension, insights and baselines
J Gamper, NA Koohbanani, K Benes, S Graham, M Jahanifar, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10778, 2020
Cgc-net: Cell graph convolutional network for grading of colorectal cancer histology images
Y Zhou, S Graham, N Alemi Koohbanani, M Shaban, PA Heng, N Rajpoot
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Development and validation of a weakly supervised deep learning framework to predict the status of molecular pathways and key mutations in colorectal cancer from routine …
M Bilal, SEA Raza, A Azam, S Graham, M Ilyas, IA Cree, D Snead, ...
The Lancet Digital Health 3 (12), e763-e772, 2021
MoNuSAC2020: A multi-organ nuclei segmentation and classification challenge
R Verma, N Kumar, A Patil, NC Kurian, S Rane, S Graham, QD Vu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (12), 3413-3423, 2021
Lizard: A large-scale dataset for colonic nuclear instance segmentation and classification
S Graham, M Jahanifar, A Azam, M Nimir, YW Tsang, K Dodd, E Hero, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision, 684-693, 2021
Fast scannet: Fast and dense analysis of multi-gigapixel whole-slide images for cancer metastasis detection
H Lin, H Chen, S Graham, Q Dou, N Rajpoot, PA Heng
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (8), 1948-1958, 2019
CoNIC Challenge: Pushing the frontiers of nuclear detection, segmentation, classification and counting
S Graham, QD Vu, M Jahanifar, M Weigert, U Schmidt, W Zhang, J Zhang, ...
Medical image analysis 92, 103047, 2024
Dense steerable filter cnns for exploiting rotational symmetry in histology images
S Graham, D Epstein, N Rajpoot
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39 (12), 4124-4136, 2020
One model is all you need: multi-task learning enables simultaneous histology image segmentation and classification
S Graham, QD Vu, M Jahanifar, SEA Raza, F Minhas, D Snead, N Rajpoot
Medical Image Analysis 83, 102685, 2023
Capturing cellular topology in multi-gigapixel pathology images
W Lu, S Graham, M Bilal, N Rajpoot, F Minhas
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
TIAToolbox as an end-to-end library for advanced tissue image analytics
J Pocock, S Graham, QD Vu, M Jahanifar, S Deshpande, ...
Communications medicine 2 (1), 120, 2022
SAMS-NET: Stain-aware multi-scale network for instance-based nuclei segmentation in histology images
S Graham, NM Rajpoot
2018 IEEE 15th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
Classification of lung cancer histology images using patch-level summary statistics
S Graham, M Shaban, T Qaiser, NA Koohbanani, SA Khurram, N Rajpoot
Medical Imaging 2018: Digital Pathology 10581, 327-334, 2018
DigestPath: A benchmark dataset with challenge review for the pathological detection and segmentation of digestive-system
Q Da, X Huang, Z Li, Y Zuo, C Zhang, J Liu, W Chen, J Li, D Xu, Z Hu, H Yi, ...
Medical Image Analysis 80, 102485, 2022
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Articles 1–20