Matthew Emmett
Matthew Emmett
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Cited by
Toward an efficient parallel in time method for partial differential equations
M Emmett, M Minion
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 7 (1), 105-132, 2012
PyClaw: Accessible, extensible, scalable tools for wave propagation problems
DI Ketcheson, K Mandli, AJ Ahmadia, A Alghamdi, MQ De Luna, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (4), C210-C231, 2012
A multi-level spectral deferred correction method
R Speck, D Ruprecht, M Emmett, M Minion, M Bolten, R Krause
BIT Numerical Mathematics 55 (3), 843-867, 2015
A massively space-time parallel N-body solver
R Speck, D Ruprecht, R Krause, M Emmett, M Minion, M Winkel, P Gibbon
SC'12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance …, 2012
Interweaving PFASST and parallel multigrid
ML Minion, R Speck, M Bolten, M Emmett, D Ruprecht
SIAM journal on scientific computing 37 (5), S244-S263, 2015
A space-time parallel solver for the three-dimensional heat equation
R Speck, D Ruprecht, M Emmett, M Bolten, R Krause
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE …, 2014
High-order algorithms for compressible reacting flow with complex chemistry
M Emmett, W Zhang, JB Bell
Combustion Theory and Modelling 18 (3), 361-387, 2014
Efficient implementation of a multi-level parallel in time algorithm
M Emmett, ML Minion
Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XXI, 359-366, 2014
Inexact spectral deferred corrections
R Speck, D Ruprecht, M Minion, M Emmett, R Krause
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXII, 389-396, 2016
A fourth-order adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for the multicomponent, reacting compressible Navier–Stokes equations
M Emmett, E Motheau, W Zhang, M Minion, JB Bell
Combustion Theory and Modelling 23 (4), 592-625, 2019
Integrating an N-Body Problem with SDC and PFASST
R Speck, D Ruprecht, R Krause, M Emmett, M Minion, M Winkel, P Gibbon
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI, 637-645, 2014
Poster: Extreme-scale space-time parallelism
D Ruprecht, R Speck, M Emmett, M Bolten, R Krause
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on High Performance Computing Networking …, 2013
Dam-break flows with resistance as agents of sediment transport
M Emmett, TB Moodie
Physics of fluids 20 (8), 2008
Sediment Transport via Dam‐Break Flows over Sloping Erodible Beds
M Emmett, TB Moodie
Studies in Applied Mathematics 123 (3), 257-290, 2009
High order schemes based on operator splitting and deferred corrections for stiff time dependent PDEs
M Duarte, M Emmett
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.0195, 2014
Extreme-scale space-time parallelism
D Ruprecht, R Speck, M Emmett, M Bolten, R Krause
Poster, accepted for SC 13, 2013
Inexact spectral deferred corrections using single-cycle multigrid
R Speck, D Ruprecht, M Minion, M Emmett, R Krause
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.7824, 2014
PFASST++ Library v0. 1.0-First Release
M Emmett, T Klatt
Jülich Supercomputing Center, 2014
The MPI-PFASST Release (v0. 2.0)
M Emmett, D Ruprecht, R Speck, T Klatt
Jülich Supercomputing Center, 2014
Dam-break flows as agents of sediment transport
M Emmett
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Articles 1–20