Jaime Sanmartin
Jaime Sanmartin
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Healthy but risky: A descriptive study on cyclists’ encouraging and discouraging factors for using bicycles, habits and safety outcomes
SA Useche, L Montoro, J Sanmartin, F Alonso
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 62, 587-598, 2019
Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: cross-country comparisons and associated factors
Accident Analysis & Prevention 110, 177-186, 2018
Workplace burnout and health issues among Colombian correctional officers
SA Useche, LV Montoro, JI Ruiz, C Vanegas, J Sanmartin, E Alfaro
PloS one 14 (2), e0211447, 2019
The University of Valencia’s computerized word pool
S Algarabel, JC Ruiz, J Sanmartin
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 20 (4), 398-403, 1988
Annual Statistical Report and Basic Fact Sheets - 2012
J Broughton, C Brandstaetter, G Yannis, P Evgenikos, P Papantoniou, ...
European Commission Directorate General for, 2012
Seguridad vial. Del factor humano a las nuevas tecnologías
L Montoro González, E Carbonell Vayá, J Sanmartín Arce, F Tortosa Gil
Madrid: Ed Síntesis, 1995
Serum nitrotyrosine and psychometric tests as indicators of impaired fitness to drive in cirrhotic patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy
V Felipo, A Urios, P Valero, M Sánchez, MA Serra, I Pareja, F Rodríguez, ...
Liver International 33 (10), 1478-1489, 2013
Speed and Road Accidents: Behaviors, Motives, and Assessment of the Effectiveness of Penalties for Speeding
F Alonso, C Esteban, C Calatayud, J Sanmartín
American Journal of Applied Psychology 1 (3), 58-64, 2013
Reported prevalence of health conditions that affect drivers
FM Alonso Plá, C Esteban Martínez, J Sanmartín, SA Useche
Cogent Medicine, 2017, vol. 4, num. 1, 2017
Modeling offenses among motorcyclists involved in crashes in Spain
P Perez-Fuster, MF Rodrigo, ML Ballestar, J Sanmartin
Accident Analysis & Prevention 56, 95-102, 2013
Post-license education for novice drivers: Evaluation of a training programme implemented in Spain
JG Molina, J Sanmartín, E Keskinen, N Sanders
Journal of Safety Research 38 (3), 357-366, 2007
Normas de asociación libre para investigación experimental
S Algarabel, J Sanmartín, J García, R Espert
Manuscrito no publicado, Universidad de Valencia, Departamento de Psicología …, 1986
Well-being, behavioral patterns and cycling crashes of different age groups in Latin America: Are aging adults the safest cyclists?
SA Useche, F Alonso, J Sanmartín, LV Montoro, B Cendales
PLoS one 14 (8), e0221864, 2019
Driver training interests of a Spanish sample of young drivers and its relationship with their self-assessment skills concerning risky driving behavior
JG Molina, J Sanmartín, E Keskinen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 52, 118-124, 2013
Métodos informáticos aplicados a la Psicología
S Algarabel, J Sanmartin
Pirámide, 1990
Annual Statistical Report 2012
C Brandstaetter, G Yannis, P Evgenikos, E Argyropoulou, P Papantoniou, ...
Deliverable D3 9, 2012
Consistency between the subjective perception of feeling indisposed, the decision to drive and driving performance
FM Alonso Pla, C Esteban, J Sanmartín, SA Useche
Science Journal of Public Health, 2016, vol. 4, num. 6, p. 482-488, 2016
La justicia en el Tráfico. Conocimiento y valoración de la población española
F Alonso, J Sanmartín, C Calatayud, C Esteban, B Alamar, ML Ballestar
Cuadernos de Reflexión Attitudes, Attitudes, Barcelona, 2005
La agresividad en la conducción: Una investigación a partir de la visión de la población española
F Alonso Pla, J Sanmartín Arce, C Esteban Martínez, C Calatayud Miñana, ...
Attitudes con la colaboración de INTRAS, 2002
A voice-activated key for the Apple Macintosh computer
S Algarabel, J Sanmartin, F Ahuir
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 21 (1), 67-72, 1989
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Articles 1–20