Fabon Dzogang
Cited by
Cited by
Diurnal variations of psychometric indicators in Twitter content
F Dzogang, S Lightman, N Cristianini
PloS one 13 (6), e0197002, 2018
Circadian mood variations in Twitter content
F Dzogang, S Lightman, N Cristianini
Brain and neuroscience advances 1, 2398212817744501, 2017
Scalable hyperbolic recommender systems
BP Chamberlain, SR Hardwick, DR Wardrope, F Dzogang, F Daolio, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08648, 2019
Change-point Analysis of the Public Mood in UK Twitter during the Brexit Referendum
T Lansdall-Welfare, F Dzogang, N Cristianini
2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining in Politics Workshop (DMIP), 2016
Seasonal Fluctuations in Collective Mood Revealed by Wikipedia Searches and Twitter Posts
F Dzogang, T Lansdall-Welfare, N Cristianini
Expressions of graduality for sentiments analysis—A survey
F Dzogang, MJ Lesot, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1-7, 2010
Seasonal variation in collective mood via Twitter content and medical purchases
F Dzogang, J Goulding, S Lightman, N Cristianini
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVI: 16th International Symposium, IDA …, 2017
An ellipsoidal k-means for document clustering
F Dzogang, C Marsala, MJ Lesot, M Rifqi
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining, 221-230, 2012
Discovering periodic patterns in historical news
F Dzogang, T Lansdall-Welfare, FindMyPast Newspaper Team, ...
PloS one 11 (11), e0165736, 2016
Early fusion of low level features for emotion mining
F Dzogang, MJ Lesot, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
Biomedical informatics insights 5, BII. S8973, 2012
Scalable preference learning from data streams
F Dzogang, T Lansdall-Welfare, S Sudhahar, N Cristianini
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 885-890, 2015
Analysis of texts’ emotional content in a multidimensional space
F Dzogang, MJ Lesot, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
Int. Conf. on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, KEER, 877-886, 2010
“Where Is My Parcel?” Fast and Efficient Classifiers to Detect User Intent in Natural Language
C Nicolaou, A Vaidya, F Dzogang, D Wardrope, N Konstantinidis
2019 Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management …, 2019
A Dataset for Learning Graph Representations to Predict Customer Returns in Fashion Retail
J McGowan, E Guest, Z Yan, C Zheng, N Patel, M Cusack, C Donaldson, ...
Workshop on Recommender Systems in Fashion and Retail, 99-108, 2022
Apprentissage de concepts émotionnels à partir de descripteurs bas niveau
F Dzogang, MJ Lesot, M Rifqi
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série RIA: Revue d …, 2014
Représentation et apprentissage à partir de textes pour des informations émotionnelles et pour des informations dynamiques
F Dzogang
Paris 6, 2013
Fusion anticipée de descripteurs bas niveau pour la détection d’émotions dans les textes
F Dzogang, MJ Lesot, M Rifqi
WACAI 2012 Workshop Affect, Compagnon Artificiel, Interaction, 191, 2012
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Articles 1–17