K. P. Hewagamage
Cited by
Cited by
Online learning in Sri Lanka’s higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic
R Hayashi, M Garcia, KP Maddawin, Angelica, Hewagamage
Asian Development Bank, 2020
Personalization tools for active learning in digital libraries
C Jayawardana, KP Hewagamage, M Hirakawa
MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship 8 (1), 1-19, 2001
Interactive visualization of spatiotemporal patterns using spirals on a geographical map
KP Hewagamage, M Hirakawa, T Ichikawa
Proceedings 1999 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, 296-303, 1999
Gamification for development: a case of collaborative learning in Sri Lankan primary schools
T Halloluwa, D Vyas, H Usoof, KP Hewagamage
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 22, 391-407, 2018
A personalized information environment for digital libraries
C Jayawardana, KP Hewagamage, M Hirakawa
Information Technology and Libraries 20 (4), 185-197, 2001
Distance education technology in Asia
J Baggaley, T Belawati
Lahore: Virtual University of Pakistan, 2007
Redesigned framework and approach for it project management
C Hewagamage, KP Hewagamage
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications 5 (3), 89-106, 2011
Inquiry-based learning with and without facilitator interactions
TA Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage
International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education/Revue …, 2012
Technology Enhanced Learning Analytics Dashboard in Higher Education.
R Jayashanka, E Hettiarachchi, KP Hewagamage
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 20 (2), 151-170, 2022
Comparing expert driving behavior in real world and simulator contexts
HB Ekanayake, P Backlund, T Ziemke, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage, ...
International Journal of Computer Games Technology 2013 (1), 891431, 2013
Augmented Album: situation-dependent system for a personal digital video/image collection
KP Hewagamage, M Hirakawa
2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME2000 …, 2000
Methods and Applications for Advancing Distance Education Technologies: International Issues and Solutions: International Issues and Solutions
MR Syed
IGI Global, 2009
Design Guidelines for Creating Mobile Language Learning Applications.
FF Jamaldeen, KP Hewagamage, Y Ekanayaka
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 12 (3), 2018
“M-Learning Not an Extension of E-Learning”: Based on a Case Study of Moodle VLE
KP Hewagamage, W Wickramasinghe, ADS Jayatilaka
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) 4 (4), 21-33, 2012
Polymorphism in the epidermal growth factor gene is associated with birthweight in Sinhalese and white Western Europeans
VHW Dissanayake, C Tower, A Broderick, LJ Stocker, HR Seneviratne, ...
Molecular human reproduction 13 (6), 425-429, 2007
A Framework for Enhancing ICT Competency of Universities in Sri Lanka.
C Hewagamage, KP Hewagamage
Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 10 (5), 45-51, 2015
Towards e-learning for all in Sri Lanka-progress and problems in some selected Sri Lankan 21st century initiatives
P Mozelius, KP Hewagamage, H Hansson
Cambridge International Conference on Open, Distance and e-Learning 2011, 25 …, 2011
Improving blended learning in higher education through the synergy between learning design and learning analytics
R Jayashanka, KP Hewagamage, E Hettiarachchi
2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2018
Stimulating Learners' Motivation in Primary Education in Sri Lanka-A Literature Review.
T Halloluwa, H Usoof, KP Hewagamage
Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 9 (1), 47-52, 2014
Designing for eAssessment of higher order thinking: An undergraduate IT online distance education course in Sri Lanka
H Usoof
Umeå University, 2012
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Articles 1–20