Coleman Broaddus
Coleman Broaddus
Researcher, Antithesis LLC
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Cited by
Cell detection with star-convex polygons
U Schmidt, M Weigert, C Broaddus, G Myers
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Content-aware image restoration: pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy
M Weigert, U Schmidt, T Boothe, A Müller, A Dibrov, A Jain, B Wilhelm, ...
Nature methods 15 (12), 1090-1097, 2018
Medical image computing and computer assisted intervention–MICCAI 2018
U Schmidt, M Weigert, C Broaddus, G Myers, AF Frangi, JA Schnabel, ...
21st International Conference, Granada, Spain, 265-273, 2018
Removing structured noise with self-supervised blind-spot networks
C Broaddus, A Krull, M Weigert, U Schmidt, G Myers
2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 159-163, 2020
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
LC Stapel, B Lombardot, C Broaddus, D Kainmueller, F Jug, EW Myers, ...
Development 143 (3), 540-546, 2016
Detection and automated analysis of single transcripts at subcellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
LC Stapel, C Broaddus, NL Vastenhouw
RNA Detection: Methods and Protocols, 143-162, 2018
Content-aware image restoration: Pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy. bioRxiv
M Weigert, U Schmidt, T Boothe, M Andreas, A Dibrov, A Jain, B Wilhelm, ...
Content-aware image restoration: Pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy. bioRxiv 236463
M Weigert, U Schmidt, T Boothe, M Andreas, A Dibrov, A Jain, B Wilhelm, ...
Cell detection with Star-convex polygons. arXiv
U Schmidt, M Weigert, C Broaddus, G Myers
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Articles 1–9