Mohammed Ismail
Mohammed Ismail
Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Wayne State University
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Analog VLSI implementation of neural systems
C Mead, M Ismail
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Analog VLSI: signal and information processing
M Ismail, T Fiez
McGraw-Hill, 1994
Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study
COVIDSurg Collaborative
Anaesthesia 76 (6), 748-758, 2021
Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: a prospective, international, multicentre cohort study
A Bhangu, AO Ademuyiwa, ML Aguilera, P Alexander, SW Al-Saqqa, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 18 (5), 516-525, 2018
Mortality of emergency abdominal surgery in high-, middle-and low-income countries
Journal of British Surgery 103 (8), 971-988, 2016
Analog Circuits and Signal Processing
M Ismail, M Sawan
Sistem akuntansi pengelolaan dana desa
M Ismail, AK Widagdo, A Widodo
Jurnal ekonomi dan bisnis 19 (2), 323-340, 2016
Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries: an international, prospective, cohort study
J Glasbey, A Ademuyiwa, A Adisa, E AlAmeer, AP Arnaud, F Ayasra, ...
The Lancet Oncology 22 (11), 1507-1517, 2021
Statistical modeling of device mismatch for analog MOS integrated circuits
C Michael, M Ismail
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 27 (2), 154-166, 1992
Effect of different levels of feed added turmeric (Curcuma longa) on the performance of broiler chicks
FR Durrani, M Ismail, A Sultan, SM Suhail, N Chand, Z Durrani
Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 1 (2), 9-11, 2006
Influence of different curing temperatures and alkali activators on properties of GBFS geopolymer mortars containing fly ash and palm-oil fuel ash
GF Huseien, J Mirza, M Ismail, MW Hussin
Construction and Building Materials 125, 1229-1240, 2016
RF bandpass filter design based on CMOS active inductors
Y Wu, X Ding, M Ismail, H Olsson
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 2003
Occupational noise exposure and hearing loss of workers in two plants in eastern Saudi Arabia
HO Ahmed, JH Dennis, O Badran, M Ismail, SG Ballal, A Ashoor, ...
Annals of Occupational Hygiene 45 (5), 371-380, 2001
Frequency-reconfigurable microstrip patch-slot antenna
HA Majid, MKA Rahim, MR Hamid, NA Murad, MF Ismail
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 12, 218-220, 2013
Characterization of human body-based thermal and vibration energy harvesting for wearable devices
M Wahbah, M Alhawari, B Mohammad, H Saleh, M Ismail
IEEE Journal on emerging and selected topics in circuits and systems 4 (3 …, 2014
High‐frequency (10–18 kHz) hearing thresholds: reliability, and effects of age and occupational noise exposure
HO Ahmed, JH Dennis, O Badran, M Ismail, SG Ballal, A Ashoor, ...
Occupational Medicine 51 (4), 245-258, 2001
Supplemental L-arginine attenuates pulmonary hypertension syndrome (ascites) in broilers
RF WIDEMAN JR, YK Kirby, M Ismail, WG BOTTJE, RW Moore, ...
Poultry Science 74 (2), 323-330, 1995
A compact frequency-reconfigurable narrowband microstrip slot antenna
HA Majid, MKA Rahim, MR Hamid, MF Ismail
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 11, 616-619, 2012
Robust design of rail-to-rail CMOS operational amplifiers for a low power supply voltage
S Sakurai, M Ismail
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 31 (2), 146-156, 1996
A CMOS fully balanced differential difference amplifier and its applications
H Alzaher, M Ismail
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 2001
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Articles 1–20