Steffen Zschaler
Steffen Zschaler
Reader in Software Engineering, Department of Informatics, King's College London
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Ontologies, meta-models, and the model-driven paradigm
U Aßmann, S Zschaler, G Wagner
Ontologies for Software Engineering and Software Technology, 249-273, 2006
VML*–a family of languages for variability management in software product lines
S Zschaler, P Sánchez, J Santos, M Alférez, A Rashid, L Fuentes, ...
Software Language Engineering: Second International Conference, SLE 2009 …, 2010
Cqml+: Enhancements to cqml
S Röttger, S Zschaler
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Quality of Service in …, 2003
Rigorous identification and encoding of trace-links in model-driven engineering
RF Paige, N Drivalos, DS Kolovos, KJ Fernandes, C Power, GK Olsen, ...
Software & Systems Modeling 10, 469-487, 2011
TMTDyn: A Matlab package for modeling and control of hybrid rigid–continuum robots based on discretized lumped systems and reduced-order models
SMH Sadati, SE Naghibi, A Shiva, B Michael, L Renson, M Howard, ...
The International Journal of Robotics Research 40 (1), 296-347, 2021
Formal Specification of Non-functional Properties of Component-Based Software Systems: A Semantic Framework and Some Applications Thereof.
S Zschaler
Software and Systems Modeling 9 (2), 161-201, 2010
Finding the pattern you need: The design pattern intent ontology
H Kampffmeyer, S Zschaler
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2007
The COMQUAD component model: enabling dynamic selection of implementations by weaving non-functional aspects
S Göbel, C Pohl, S Röttger, S Zschaler
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Aspect-oriented software …, 2004
Domain-specific metamodelling languages for software language engineering
S Zschaler, DS Kolovos, N Drivalos, RF Paige, A Rashid
Software Language Engineering: Second International Conference, SLE 2009 …, 2010
Building model-driven engineering traceability classifications
RF Paige, GK Olsen, DS Kolovos, S Zschaler, C Power
4th ECMDA Traceability Workshop (2008), 1-10, 2008
On language-independent model modularisation
F Heidenreich, J Henriksson, J Johannes, S Zschaler
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development VI: Special Issue on …, 2009
Relating Feature Models to Other Models of a Software Product Line: A Comparative Study of FeatureMapper and VML*
F Heidenreich, P Sánchez, J Santos, S Zschaler, M Alférez, J Araujo, ...
Transactions on aspect-oriented software development VII, 69-114, 2010
A role-based approach towards modular language engineering
C Wende, N Thieme, S Zschaler
Software Language Engineering: Second International Conference, SLE 2009 …, 2010
Model-driven development for non-functional properties: Refinement through model transformation
S Röttger, S Zschaler
?> 2004-The Unified Modeling Language. Modelling Languages and Applications …, 2004
MDEOptimiser: A search based model engineering tool
A Burdusel, S Zschaler, D Strüber
Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2018
Model-driven performance analysis of rule-based domain specific visual models
J Troya, A Vallecillo, F Durán, S Zschaler
Information and Software Technology 55 (1), 88-110, 2013
Transformative and troublesome? Students' and professional programmers' perspectives on difficult concepts in programming
L Yeomans, S Zschaler, K Coate
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 19 (3), 1-27, 2019
Towards model-based optimisation: Using domain knowledge explicitly
S Zschaler, L Mandow
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations: STAF 2016 Collocated …, 2016
Towards a semantic framework for non-functional specifications of component-based systems
S Zschaler
Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004., 92-99, 2004
Searching for Optimal Models: Comparing Two Encoding Approaches.
S John, A Burdusel, R Bill, D Strüber, G Taentzer, S Zschaler, M Wimmer
J. Object Technol. 18 (3), 6:1-22, 2019
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Articles 1–20