Laurène Quénot
Laurène Quénot
PhD student, University Grenoble Alpes
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Cited by
X-ray phase contrast imaging from synchrotron to conventional sources: A review of the existing techniques for biological applications
L Quenot, S Bohic, E Brun
Applied Sciences 12 (19), 9539, 2022
Implicit tracking approach for X-ray phase-contrast imaging with a random mask and a conventional system
L Quénot, H Rougé-Labriet, S Bohic, S Berujon, E Brun
Optica 8 (11), 1412-1415, 2021
Directional dark-field implicit x-ray speckle tracking using an anisotropic-diffusion Fokker-Planck equation
KM Pavlov, DM Paganin, KS Morgan, H Li, S Berujon, L Quénot, E Brun
Physical Review A 104 (5), 053505, 2021
Evaluation of simulators for x-ray speckle-based phase contrast imaging
L Quenot, E Brun, JM Létang, M Langer
Physics in Medicine & Biology 66 (17), 175027, 2021
Comparison of X-ray speckle based imaging deflection retrieval algorithms for the optimization of radiation dose
H Rougé-Labriet, L Quenot, S Bohic, B Fayard, DM Paganin, E Brun, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2020
Towards x-ray phase contrast tomography in clinical conditions: simulation and phase retrieval development
L Quénot, L Broche, C Tavakoli, S Bohic, E Brun
Medical Imaging 2021: Physics of Medical Imaging 11595, 1208-1217, 2021
Dark-field and directional dark-field on low-coherence x ray sources with random mask modulations: validation with SAXS anisotropy measurements
C Magnin, L Quénot, S Bohic, D Mihai Cenda, M Fernández Martínez, ...
Optics Letters 48 (22), 5839-5842, 2023
Transfer of X-ray phase contrast imaging from the synchrotron to the hospital: development and optimization of modulations-based imaging
L Quenot
Université Grenoble Alpes [2020-....], 2022
Review of speckle-tracking algorithms for x-ray phase contrast imaging: low dose applications
R Celestre, L Quenot, C Ninham, E Brun, L Fardin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.11633, 2024
Human fetal virtual histology with X-ray phase contrast imaging
PL Vérot, L Charnay, C Tavakoli, S Singh, L Quénot, ES Cruz, M Barnat, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.04. 18.537316, 2023
Transfert de l'imagerie X en contraste de phase du synchrotron à l'hôpital: développement et optimisation de l'imagerie par modulations
L Quenot
Université Grenoble Alpes, 2022
Directional dark-field implicit x-ray speckle tracking using an anisotropic-diffusion Fokker-Planck equation
DM Paganin, KS Morgan, H Li, S Berujon, L Quénot, E Brun, K Pavlov, ...
American Physical Society (APS), 2021
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Articles 1–12