Sabar D. Hutagalung
Sabar D. Hutagalung
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
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The sensing mechanism and detection of low concentration acetone using chitosan-based sensors
TI Nasution, I Nainggolan, SD Hutagalung, KR Ahmad, ZA Ahmad
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 177, 522-528, 2013
Microstructure and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramic
JJ Mohamed, SD Hutagalung, MF Ain, K Deraman, ZA Ahmad
Materials Letters 61 (8-9), 1835-1838, 2007
Dielectric properties of Nb-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 electroceramics measured at high frequencies
MA Sulaiman, SD Hutagalung, MF Ain, ZA Ahmad
Journal of alloys and compounds 493 (1-2), 486-492, 2010
Improvement in dielectric properties of Zn-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 electroceramics prepared by modified mechanical alloying technique
SD Hutagalung, LY Ooi, ZA Ahmad
Journal of Alloys and compounds 476 (1-2), 477-481, 2009
Microwave assisted sintering of CaCu3Ti4O12
SD Hutagalung, MIM Ibrahim, ZA Ahmad
Ceramics international 34 (4), 939-942, 2008
Optical and electrical characteristics of silicon nanowires prepared by electroless etching
SD Hutagalung, MM Fadhali, RA Areshi, FD Tan
Nanoscale research letters 12, 1-11, 2017
Fabrication of nanogap electrodes via nano-oxidation mask by scanning probe microscopy nanolithography
J Rouhi, S Mahmud, SD Hutagalung, S Kakooei
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS 10 (4), 043002-043002-3, 2011
Controlling the shape and gap width of silicon electrodes using local anodic oxidation and anisotropic TMAH wet etching
J Rouhi, S Mahmud, SD Hutagalung, N Naderi, S Kakooei, MJ Abdullah
Semiconductor Science and Technology 27 (6), 065001, 2012
Field emission in lateral silicon diode fabricated by atomic force microscopy lithography
J Rouhi, S Mahmud, SD Hutagalung, N Naderi
Electronics letters 48 (12), 712-714, 2012
Optimisation of nanooxide mask fabricated by atomic force microscopy nanolithography: a response surface methodology application
J Rouhi, S Mahmud, SD Hutagalung, S Kakooei
Micro & Nano Letters 7 (4), 325-328, 2012
Effect of MnO2 additive on the dielectric and electromagnetic interference shielding properties of sintered cement-based ceramics
SD Hutagalung, NH Sahrol, ZA Ahmad, MF Ain, M Othman
Ceramics International 38 (1), 671-678, 2012
The effect of different dopant site (Cu and Ca) by magnesium on CaCu3Ti4O12 dielectric properties
MF Ab Rahman, SD Hutagalung, ZA Ahmad, MF Ain, JJ Mohamed
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 26, 3947-3956, 2015
2.5 GHz BaTiO3 dielectric resonator antenna
MF Ain, SIS Hassan, M Singh, MA Othman, B Nawang, S Sreekantan, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 76, 201-210, 2007
High frequency response to the impedance complex properties of Nb-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 electroceramics
MA Sulaiman, SD Hutagalung, JJ Mohamed, ZA Ahmad, MF Ain, B Ismail
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (18), 5701-5707, 2011
Mechanical and thermal properties of bacterial-cellulose-fibre-reinforced Mater-Bi® bionanocomposite
H Nainggolan, S Gea, E Bilotti, T Peijs, SD Hutagalung
Beilstein Journal of nanotechnology 4 (1), 325-329, 2013
Electrical property comparison and charge transmission in p-type double gate and single gate junctionless accumulation transistor fabricated by AFM nanolithography
A Dehzangi, AM Abdullah, F Larki, SD Hutagalung, EB Saion, ...
Nanoscale research letters 7, 1-9, 2012
A novel 5.8 GHz high gain array dielectric resonator antenna
MF Ain, YMA Qasaymeh, ZA Ahmad, MA Zakariya, MA Othman, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 15, 201-210, 2010
A novel 5.8 GHz quasi-lumped element resonator antenna
MF Ain, SS Olokede, YM Qasaymeh, A Marzuki, JJ Mohammed, ...
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 67 (7), 557-563, 2013
Oxide-assisted growth of silicon nanowires by carbothermal evaporation
SD Hutagalung, KA Yaacob, AFA Aziz
Applied Surface Science 254 (2), 633-637, 2007
Pinch-off mechanism in double-lateral-gate junctionless transistors fabricated by scanning probe microscope based lithography
F Larki, A Dehzangi, A Abedini, AM Abdullah, E Saion, SD Hutagalung, ...
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 3 (1), 817-823, 2012
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Articles 1–20