Bruno Bachelet
Bruno Bachelet
Associate Professor in Computer Science - Université Clermont Auvergne
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Cited by
GEMINI: a Grassland Model Simulating the Role of Plant Traits for Community Dynamics and Ecosystem Functioning. Parameterization and Evaluation
JF Soussana, V Maire, N Gross, B Bachelet, L Pagès, R Martin, D Hill, ...
Ecological Modelling 231, 134-145, 2012
Model Enhancement: Improving Theoretical Optimization with Simulation
B Bachelet, L Yon
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15 (6), 703-715, 2007
Plasticity of Plant Form and Function Sustains Productivity and Dominance along Environment and Competition Gradients. A Modeling Experiment with GEMINI
V Maire, JF Soussana, N Gross, B Bachelet, L Pagès, R Martin, ...
Ecological Modelling 254, 80-91, 2013
Towards Vulnerability Minimization of Grassland Soil Organic Matter Using Metamodels
R Lardy, B Bachelet, G Bellocchi, D Hill
Environmental Modelling and Software 52, 38-50, 2014
Enhancing Theoretical Optimization Solutions by Coupling with Simulation
B Bachelet, L Yon
1st Open International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (OICMS), 331-342, 2005
Elastic Time Computation in QoS-Driven Hypermedia Presentations
B Bachelet, P Mahey, R Rodrigues, LF Soares
Multimedia Systems 12 (6), 461-478, 2007
Minimum Convex-Cost Tension Problems on Series-Parallel Graphs
B Bachelet, P Mahey
RAIRO-Operations Research 37 (4), 221-234, 2003
Elastic Time Computation for Hypermedia Documents
B Bachelet, P Mahey, RF Rodrigues, LFG Soares
VI Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems (SBMídia), 47-62, 2000
LambdAgrIoT - A New Architecture for Agricultural Autonomous Robots’ Scheduling: from Design to Experiments
G André, B Bachelet, P Battistoni, A Belhassena, S Bimonte, C Cariou, ...
Cluster Computing 26, 2993-3015, 2023
Modélisation et optimisation de problèmes de synchronisation dans les documents hypermédia
B Bachelet
Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2003
Ecosystem Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Framework
R Lardy, R Martin, B Bachelet, D Hill, G Bellocchi
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), 777-784, 2012
ShoveRand: a Model-Driven Framework to Easily Generate Random Numbers on GP-GPU
J Passerat-Palmbach, C Mazel, B Bachelet, D Hill
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation …, 2011
Modèles de coût pour la sélection de vues matérialisées dans le nuage, application aux services Amazon EC2 et S3
R Perriot, J Pfeiffer, L D'Orazio, B Bachelet, S Bimonte, J Darmont
9èmes journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en …, 2013
Aggregation Approach for the Minimum Binary Cost Tension Problem
B Bachelet, C Duhamel
European Journal of Operational Research 197 (2), 837-841, 2009
Minimum Convex Piecewise Linear Cost Tension Problem on Quasi-k Series-Parallel Graphs
B Bachelet, P Mahey
4OR 2 (4), 275-291, 2004
Hedgehog: Understandable Scheduler-Free Heterogeneous Asynchronous Multithreaded Data-Flow Graphs
A Bardakoff, B Bachelet, T Blattner, W Keyrouz, GC Kroiz, L Yon
IEEE/ACM 3rd Annual Parallel Applications Workshop: Alternatives To MPI+ X …, 2020
Cost Models for Selecting Materialized Views in Public Clouds
R Perriot, J Pfeifer, L D'Orazio, B Bachelet, S Bimonte, J Darmont
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 10 (4), 1-25, 2014
Steady-State Soil Organic Matter Approximation Model: Application to the Pasture Simulation Model
R Lardy, AI Graux, B Bachelet, D Hill, G Bellocchi
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), 769-776, 2012
Towards an Architecture for Online Scheduling of Autonomous Robots in Agriculture: Open Issues
B Bachelet, P Battistoni, S Bimonte, C Cariou, G Chalhoub, F Coutarel, ...
International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation 5 (1), 1-23, 2022
Designing Generic Algorithms for Operations Research
B Bachelet, A Mahul, L Yon
Software: Practice and Experience 36 (1), 73-93, 2006
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Articles 1–20