Rajkumar Ananth
Rajkumar Ananth
St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering
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Cited by
Hydrogen storage for energy application
R Krishna, E Titus, M Salimian, O Okhay, S Rajendran, A Rajkumar, ...
Hydrogen storage, 2012
Development and validation of a model for the temperature distribution in the extrusion calibration stage
F Habla, C Fernandes, M Maier, L Densky, LL Ferrás, A Rajkumar, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 100, 538-552, 2016
Design guidelines to balance the flow distribution in complex profile extrusion dies
A Rajkumar, LL Ferrás, C Fernandes, OS Carneiro, M Becker, ...
International Polymer Processing 32 (1), 58-71, 2017
Guidelines for balancing the flow in extrusion dies: the influence of the material rheology
A Rajkumar, LL Ferrás, C Fernandes, OS Carneiro, JM Nóbrega
Journal of Polymer Engineering 38 (2), 197-211, 2018
Hydrogen storage for energy application. Hydrog. Storage
R Krishna, E Titus, M Salimian, O Okhay, S Rajendran, A Rajkumar
InTech, 2012
An open-source framework for the computer aided design of complex profile extrusion dies
A Rajkumar, LL Ferrás, C Fernandes, OS Carneiro, A Sacramento, ...
International Polymer Processing 33 (2), 276-285, 2018
Profile extrusion: experimental assessment of a numerical code to model the temperature evolution in the cooling/calibration stage
A Rajkumar, F Habla, C Fernandes, S Mould, A Sacramento, OS Carneiro, ...
Polymer Engineering & Science 59 (11), 2367-2376, 2019
Computer aided die design: A new open-source methodology
OS Carneiro, A Rajkumar, LL Ferrás, C Fernandes, A Sacramento, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1843 (1), 2017
Using OpenFOAM® to aid the design of extrusion dies for thermoplastics profiles
JM Nóbrega, A Rajkumar, C Fernandes, LL Ferrás, F Habla, O Hinrichsen, ...
9th Open FOAM Workshop, 23-26, 2014
Differential Heating as a Strategy for Controlling the Flow Distribution in Profile Extrusion Dies
A Rajkumar, LL Ferrás, C Fernandes, OS Carneiro, A Sacramento, ...
OpenFOAM®: Selected Papers of the 11th Workshop, 109-120, 2019
Improved methodologies for the design of extrusion forming tools
A Rajkumar
PQDT-Global, 2017
Optimization and statistical analysis on mechanical, thermal, wear and water-absorption characteristics of fragrant screwpine fiber-reinforced polymer biocomposites
A Rajkumar, MTGA Selvan, V Neto, RS Raja, JS Binoj, BM Bright
Iranian Polymer Journal, 1-14, 2024
Development of novel methodology for gene identification-based classification of leukaemia disorder
JBB Bell, A Rajkumar, SMC Vigila, MGA Selvan, JS Binoj
Research on Biomedical Engineering 39 (3), 573-586, 2023
Experimental assessment of a numerical modelling code developed for the profile extrusion cooling stage
C Fernandes, A Rajkumar, F Habla, ST Mould, A Sacramento, ...
The Influence of Temperature on the Flow Distribution Inside an Extrusion Die: a numerical trial-and-error procedure
A Rajkumar, LL Ferrás, C Fernandes, OS Carneiro, A Sacramento, ...
Development and experimental assessment of a numerical modelling code to aid the design of profile extrusion cooling tools
OS Carneiro, A Rajkumar, C Fernandes, LL Ferrás, F Habla, JM Nóbrega
AIP Conference Proceedings 1896 (1), 2017
Using OpenFOAM to aid the design of complex profile extrusion dies
A Rajkumar, OS Carneiro, M Becker, JM Nóbrega
Development of Statistical Model and Experimental validation of Mechanical behavior of fragrant screwpine fiber reinforced polyester
A Rajkumar, MGA Selvan, V Neto, JS Binoj
TEchMA2023–6th International Conference on Technologies for the Wellbeing …, 0
for Europe, Middle East and Africa
H Uematsu, T Natsuume, S Tanoue, Y Iemoto, CC Wang, YF Zhang, ...
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Articles 1–19