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Cited by
Hyperbolic metamaterials and their applications
L Ferrari, C Wu, D Lepage, X Zhang, Z Liu
Progress in Quantum Electronics 40, 1-40, 2015
Critical issues in the CFD simulation of Darrieus wind turbines
F Balduzzi, A Bianchini, R Maleci, G Ferrara, L Ferrari
Renewable Energy 85, 419-435, 2016
Feasibility analysis of a Darrieus vertical-axis wind turbine installation in the rooftop of a building
F Balduzzi, A Bianchini, EA Carnevale, L Ferrari, S Magnani
Applied energy 97, 921-929, 2012
Postlaryngectomy pharyngocutaneous fistula: incidence, predisposing factors, and therapy
LOR de Zinis, L Ferrari, D Tomenzoli, G Premoli, G Parrinello, P Nicolai
Head & Neck: Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck …, 1999
Effectiveness of two-dimensional CFD simulations for Darrieus VAWTs: a combined numerical and experimental assessment
A Bianchini, F Balduzzi, P Bachant, G Ferrara, L Ferrari
Energy Conversion and Management 136, 318-328, 2017
Dimensionless numbers for the assessment of mesh and timestep requirements in CFD simulations of Darrieus wind turbines
F Balduzzi, A Bianchini, G Ferrara, L Ferrari
Energy 97, 246-261, 2016
Darrieus wind turbine blade unsteady aerodynamics: a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes CFD assessment
F Balduzzi, J Drofelnik, A Bianchini, G Ferrara, L Ferrari, MS Campobasso
Energy 128, 550-563, 2017
Design guidelines for H-Darrieus wind turbines: Optimization of the annual energy yield
A Bianchini, G Ferrara, L Ferrari
Energy Conversion and Management 89, 690-707, 2015
Analysis of suitability ranges of high temperature heat pump working fluids
GF Frate, L Ferrari, U Desideri
Applied Thermal Engineering 150, 628-640, 2019
Microeolic turbines in the built environment: Influence of the installation site on the potential energy yield
F Balduzzi, A Bianchini, L Ferrari
Renewable Energy 45, 163-174, 2012
Multi-criteria investigation of a pumped thermal electricity storage (PTES) system with thermal integration and sensible heat storage
GF Frate, L Ferrari, U Desideri
Energy Conversion and Management 208, 112530, 2020
Experimental demonstration of localized plasmonic structured illumination microscopy
JL Ponsetto, A Bezryadina, F Wei, K Onishi, H Shen, E Huang, L Ferrari, ...
ACS nano 11 (6), 5344-5350, 2017
On the influence of virtual camber effect on airfoil polars for use in simulations of Darrieus wind turbines
JM Rainbird, A Bianchini, F Balduzzi, J Peiró, JMR Graham, G Ferrara, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 106, 373-384, 2015
Enhanced spontaneous emission inside hyperbolic metamaterials
L Ferrari, D Lu, D Lepage, Z Liu
Optics express 22 (4), 4301-4306, 2014
Energy storage for grid-scale applications: Technology review and economic feasibility analysis
GF Frate, L Ferrari, U Desideri
Renewable Energy 163, 1754-1772, 2021
Experimental analysis of R744 parallel compression cycle
A Chesi, F Esposito, G Ferrara, L Ferrari
Applied Energy 135, 274-285, 2014
Virtual incidence effect on rotating airfoils in Darrieus wind turbines
A Bianchini, F Balduzzi, G Ferrara, L Ferrari
Energy Conversion and Management 111, 329-338, 2016
Rankine carnot batteries with the integration of thermal energy sources: A review
GF Frate, L Ferrari, U Desideri
Energies 13 (18), 4766, 2020
An experimental and numerical assessment of airfoil polars for use in Darrieus wind turbines—Part II: Post-stall data extrapolation methods
A Bianchini, F Balduzzi, JM Rainbird, J Peiro, JMR Graham, G Ferrara, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138 (3), 032603, 2016
Luminescent hyperbolic metasurfaces
JST Smalley, F Vallini, SA Montoya, L Ferrari, S Shahin, CT Riley, B Kanté, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 13793, 2017
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Articles 1–20