Teevrat Garg
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Cited by
Well-being dynamics and poverty traps
CB Barrett, T Garg, L McBride
Annual Review of Resource Economics 8 (1), 303-327, 2016
Temperature and human capital in India
T Garg, M Jagnani, V Taraz
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 7 (6 …, 2020
The ecological impact of transportation infrastructure
S Asher, T Garg, P Novosad
The Economic Journal 130 (629), 1173-1199, 2020
Ecosystems and human health: The local benefits of forest cover in Indonesia
T Garg
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 98, 102271, 2019
(Not so) gently down the stream: River pollution and health in Indonesia
T Garg, SE Hamilton, JP Hochard, EP Kresch, J Talbot
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 92, 35-53, 2018
How are healthy, working populations affected by increasing temperatures in the tropics? Implications for climate change adaptation policies
YJ Masuda, B Castro, I Aggraeni, NH Wolff, K Ebi, T Garg, ET Game, ...
Global environmental change 56, 29-40, 2019
Extreme temperatures and time use in China
T Garg, M Gibson, F Sun
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 180, 309-324, 2020
Emissions reductions or green booms? General equilibrium effects of a renewable portfolio standard
AM Bento, T Garg, D Kaffine
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 90, 78-100, 2018
The health costs of coal-fired power plants in India
G Barrows, T Garg, A Jha
Available at SSRN 3281904, 2019
Market prices and food aid local and regional procurement and distribution: a multi-country analysis
T Garg, CB Barrett, MI Gómez, EC Lentz, WJ Violette
World Development 49, 19-29, 2013
Warming from tropical deforestation reduces worker productivity in rural communities
YJ Masuda, T Garg, I Anggraeni, K Ebi, J Krenz, ET Game, NH Wolff, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1601, 2021
Can Social Protection Reduce Environmental Damages?
T Garg, GC McCord, A Montfort
Available at SSRN 3465356, 2020
Heat exposure from tropical deforestation decreases cognitive performance of rural workers: an experimental study
YJ Masuda, T Garg, I Anggraeni, NH Wolff, K Ebi, ET Game, J Krenz, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (12), 124015, 2020
The Ecological Impact of Place‐Based Economic Policies
T Garg, A Shenoy
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103 (4), 1239-1250, 2021
Rural roads, farm labor exits, and crop fires
T Garg, M Jagnani, HK Pullabhotla
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16 (3), 420-450, 2024
Economic and social implications of regulating alcohol availability in grocery stores
BJ Rickard, M Costanigro, T Garg
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 35 (4), 613-633, 2013
Agriculture and deforestation
R Abman, T Garg, Y Pan, S Singhal
Available at SSRN 3692682, 2020
Climate change exacerbates the environmental impacts of agriculture
Y Yang, D Tilman, Z Jin, P Smith, CB Barrett, YG Zhu, J Burney, ...
Science 385 (6713), eadn3747, 2024
Going Viral: Public Attention and Environmental Action in the Amazon
R Araujo, F Costa, T Garg
Impacts of warming on outdoor worker well-being in the tropics and adaptation options
YJ Masuda, LA Parsons, JT Spector, DS Battisti, B Castro, JT Erbaugh, ...
One Earth, 2024
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Articles 1–20