Masaru K Nobu
Cited by
Cited by
Isolation of an archaeon at the prokaryote–eukaryote interface
H Imachi, MK Nobu, N Nakahara, Y Morono, M Ogawara, Y Takaki, ...
Nature 577 (7791), 519-525, 2020
Microbial dark matter ecogenomics reveals complex synergistic networks in a methanogenic bioreactor.
MK Nobu, T Narihiro, C Rinke, SG Tringe, T Woyke, WT Liu
The ISME Journal, 2014
Chasing the elusive Euryarchaeota class WSA2: genomes reveal a uniquely fastidious methyl-reducing methanogen
MK Nobu, T Narihiro, K Kuroda, R Mei, WT Liu
The ISME journal 10 (10), 2478-2487, 2016
A hydrogen-dependent geochemical analogue of primordial carbon and energy metabolism
M Preiner, K Igarashi, KB Muchowska, M Yu, SJ Varma, K Kleinermanns, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (4), 534-542, 2020
Phylogeny and physiology of candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’(OP9/JS1) inferred from cultivation-independent genomics
MK Nobu, JA Dodsworth, SK Murugapiran, C Rinke, EA Gies, G Webster, ...
The ISME journal 10 (2), 273-286, 2016
The nexus of syntrophy‐associated microbiota in anaerobic digestion revealed by long‐term enrichment and community survey
T Narihiro, MK Nobu, NK Kim, Y Kamagata, WT Liu
Environmental microbiology 17 (5), 1707-1720, 2015
Diverse Marinimicrobia bacteria may mediate coupled biogeochemical cycles along eco-thermodynamic gradients
AK Hawley, MK Nobu, JJ Wright, WE Durno, C Morgan-Lang, B Sage, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1507, 2017
Evaluating digestion efficiency in full-scale anaerobic digesters by identifying active microbial populations through the lens of microbial activity
R Mei, T Narihiro, MK Nobu, K Kuroda, WT Liu
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34090, 2016
Operation-driven heterogeneity and overlooked feed-associated populations in global anaerobic digester microbiome
R Mei, MK Nobu, T Narihiro, K Kuroda, JM Sierra, Z Wu, L Ye, PKH Lee, ...
Water research 124, 77-84, 2017
Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses revealed uncultured bacteroidales populations as the dominant proteolytic amino acid degraders in anaerobic digesters
R Mei, MK Nobu, T Narihiro, WT Liu
Frontiers in microbiology 11, 593006, 2020
The genome of Syntrophorhabdus aromaticivorans strain UI provides new insights for syntrophic aromatic compound metabolism and electron flow
MK Nobu, T Narihiro, T Hideyuki, YL Qiu, Y Sekiguchi, T Woyke, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (12), 4861-4872, 2015
Isolation of a member of the candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’reveals a unique cell membrane structure
T Katayama, MK Nobu, H Kusada, XY Meng, N Hosogi, K Uematsu, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 6381, 2020
Novel Geobacter species and diverse methanogens contribute to enhanced methane production in media-added methanogenic reactors
R Mei, MK Nobu, T Narihiro, J Yu, A Sathyagal, E Willman, WT Liu
Water research 147, 403-412, 2018
Catabolism and interactions of uncultured organisms shaped by eco-thermodynamics in methanogenic bioprocesses
MK Nobu, T Narihiro, R Mei, Y Kamagata, PKH Lee, PH Lee, ...
Microbiome 8, 1-16, 2020
Identification of novel potential acetate-oxidizing bacteria in thermophilic methanogenic chemostats by DNA stable isotope probing
D Zheng, HZ Wang, M Gou, MK Nobu, T Narihiro, B Hu, Y Nie, YQ Tang
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 103, 8631-8645, 2019
Methanogenic archaea use a bacteria-like methyltransferase system to demethoxylate aromatic compounds
JM Kurth, MK Nobu, H Tamaki, N de Jonge, S Berger, MSM Jetten, ...
The ISME journal 15 (12), 3549-3565, 2021
Community analysis of gut microbiota in hornets, the largest eusocial wasps, Vespa mandarinia and V. simillima
S Suenami, M Konishi Nobu, R Miyazaki
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9830, 2019
Symbiosis between Candidatus Patescibacteria and Archaea Discovered in Wastewater-Treating Bioreactors
K Kuroda, K Yamamoto, R Nakai, Y Hirakata, K Kubota, MK Nobu, ...
MBio 13 (5), e01711-22, 2022
Using DNA-based stable isotope probing to reveal novel propionate-and acetate-oxidizing bacteria in propionate-fed mesophilic anaerobic chemostats
HZ Wang, XM Lv, Y Yi, D Zheng, M Gou, Y Nie, B Hu, MK Nobu, T Narihiro, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 17396, 2019
A single-granule-level approach reveals ecological heterogeneity in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
K Kuroda, MK Nobu, R Mei, T Narihiro, BTW Bocher, T Yamaguchi, ...
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167788, 2016
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Articles 1–20