Victor Ginting
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Cited by
Accurate multiscale finite element methods for two-phase flow simulations
Y Efendiev, V Ginting, T Hou, R Ewing
Journal of Computational Physics 220 (1), 155-174, 2006
Multiscale finite element methods for nonlinear problems and their applications
Y Efendiev, V Ginting, TY Hou
An efficient two‐stage Markov chain Monte Carlo method for dynamic data integration
Y Efendiev, A Datta‐Gupta, V Ginting, X Ma, B Mallick
Water Resources Research 41 (12), 2005
An adaptive local–global multiscale finite volume element method for two-phase flow simulations
LJ Durlofsky, Y Efendiev, V Ginting
Advances in Water Resources 30 (3), 576-588, 2007
Two-grid finite volume element method for linear and nonlinear elliptic problems
C Bi, V Ginting
Numerische Mathematik 108 (2), 177-198, 2007
An a posteriori-a priori analysis of multiscale operator splitting
D Estep, V Ginting, D Ropp, JN Shadid, S Tavener
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (3), 1116-1146, 2008
Two-grid discontinuous Galerkin method for quasi-linear elliptic problems
C Bi, V Ginting
Journal of Scientific Computing 49 (3), 311-331, 2011
A finite volume element method for a non‐linear elliptic problem
P Chatzipantelidis, V Ginting, RD Lazarov
Numerical linear algebra with applications 12 (5‐6), 515-546, 2005
On the application of the continuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation problems
L Bush, V Ginting
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (6), A2953-A2975, 2013
Application of the two-stage Markov chain Monte Carlo method for characterization of fractured reservoirs using a surrogate flow model
V Ginting, F Pereira, M Presho, S Wo
Computational Geosciences 15, 691-707, 2011
Flow based oversampling technique for multiscale finite element methods
J Chu, Y Efendiev, V Ginting, TY Hou
Advances in Water Resources 31 (4), 599-608, 2008
Calibrated dual porosity, dual permeability modeling of fractured reservoirs
M Presho, S Wo, V Ginting
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 77 (3-4), 326-337, 2011
Analysis of global multiscale finite element methods for wave equations with continuum spatial scales
L Jiang, Y Efendiev, V Ginting
Applied numerical mathematics 60 (8), 862-876, 2010
A posteriori error analysis of IMEX multi-step time integration methods for advection–diffusion–reaction equations
JH Chaudhry, D Estep, V Ginting, JN Shadid, S Tavener
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, 730-751, 2015
Design and implementation of a multiscale mixed method based on a nonoverlapping domain decomposition procedure
A Francisco, V Ginting, F Pereira, J Rigelo
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 99, 125-138, 2014
On multiscale methods in Petrov–Galerkin formulation
D Elfverson, V Ginting, P Henning
Numerische Mathematik 131 (4), 643-682, 2015
Analysis of two-scale finite volume element method for elliptic problem.
V Ginting
Journal of Numerical Mathematics 12 (2), 2004
Multiscale methods for parabolic equations with continuum spatial scales
L Jiang, Y Efendiev, V Ginting
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B 8 (4), 833-859, 2007
A note on data-driven contaminant simulation
CC Douglas, CE Shannon, Y Efendiev, R Ewing, V Ginting, R Lazarov, ...
Computational Science-ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków …, 2004
A posteriori analysis of a multirate numerical method for ordinary differential equations
D Estep, V Ginting, S Tavener
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 223, 10-27, 2012
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Articles 1–20