Soo-Jin Moon
Soo-Jin Moon
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Cited by
Nomad: Mitigating arbitrary cloud side channels via provider-assisted migration
SJ Moon, V Sekar, MK Reiter
Proceedings of the 22nd acm sigsac conference on computer and communications …, 2015
{NetSMC}: A Custom Symbolic Model Checker for Stateful Network Verification
Y Yuan, SJ Moon, S Uppal, L Jia, V Sekar
17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2020
Alembic: Automated model inference for stateful network functions
SJ Moon, J Helt, Y Yuan, Y Bieri, S Banerjee, V Sekar, W Wu, ...
16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2019
Accurately Measuring Global Risk of Amplification Attacks using AmpMap
SJ Moon, Y Yin, RA Sharma, Y Yuan, JM Spring, V Sekar
Proceedings of the 30th {USENIX} Security Symposium, 2021
Towards Oblivious Network Analysis using Generative Adversarial Networks
Z Lin, SJ Moon, CM Zarate, R Mulagalapalli, S Kulandaivel, G Fanti, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 43-51, 2019
Pryde: A Modular Generalizable Workflow for Uncovering Evasion Attacks Against Stateful Firewall Deployments
SJ Moon, M Srivastava, Y Bieri, R Martins, V Sekar
2024 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 144-144, 2024
Automatic discovery of evasion attacks against stateful firewalls
SJ Moon, Y Bieri, R Martins, V Sekar
Accurately Measuring Global Risk of Amplification Attacks using AmpMap (CMU-CyLab-19-004)
S Moon, Y Yin, R Sharma, Y Yuan, J Spring, V Sekar
Carnegie Mellon University, 2020
Practical Black-Box Analysis for Network Functions and Services
SJ Moon
Carnegie Mellon University, 2020
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Articles 1–9