Jules-Raymond Tapamo
Jules-Raymond Tapamo
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal
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Age estimation via face images: a survey
R Angulu, JR Tapamo, AO Adewumi
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2018 (1), 1-35, 2018
Driver drowsiness detection using behavioral measures and machine learning techniques: A review of state-of-art techniques
M Ngxande, JR Tapamo, M Burke
2017 pattern recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and …, 2017
Maritime surveillance: Tracking ships inside a dynamic background using a fast level-set
ZL Szpak, JR Tapamo
Expert systems with applications 38 (6), 6669-6680, 2011
Adaptive thresholding technique for retinal vessel segmentation based on GLCM‐energy information
T Mapayi, S Viriri, JR Tapamo
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015 (1), 597475, 2015
A texture-based method for document segmentation and classification
MW Lin, JR Tapamo, B Ndovie
South African Computer Journal 2006 (36), 49-56, 2006
Improved gradient local ternary patterns for facial expression recognition
RP Holder, JR Tapamo
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2017, 1-15, 2017
Review of deep learning methods for remote sensing satellite images classification: experimental survey and comparative analysis
AA Adegun, S Viriri, JR Tapamo
Journal of Big Data 10 (1), 93, 2023
Detection and tracking of moving objects in a maritime environment using level set with shape priors
D Frost, JR Tapamo
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2013, 1-16, 2013
Comparative study of retinal vessel segmentation based on global thresholding techniques
T Mapayi, S Viriri, JR Tapamo
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015 (1), 895267, 2015
Bias remediation in driver drowsiness detection systems using generative adversarial networks
M Ngxande, JR Tapamo, M Burke
IEEE Access 8, 55592-55601, 2020
Texture detection for segmentation of iris images
AK Bachoo, JR Tapamo
Proceedings of SAICSIT, 236-243, 2005
A comparative study of the use of local directional pattern for texture-based informal settlement classification
AM Shabat, JR Tapamo
Journal of applied research and technology 15 (3), 250-258, 2017
Face and Iris biometrics person identification using hybrid fusion at feature and score-level
V Azom, A Adewumi, JR Tapamo
2015 Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and …, 2015
Retinal vessel segmentation: a comparative study of fuzzy C-means and sum entropy information on phase congruency
T Mapayi, JR Tapamo, S Viriri
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 12 (9), 133, 2015
Angled local directional pattern for texture analysis with an application to facial expression recognition
AMM Shabat, JR Tapamo
IET Computer Vision 12 (5), 603-608, 2018
Integrating iris and signature traits for personal authentication using user-specific weighting
S Viriri, JR Tapamo
Sensors 12 (4), 4324-4338, 2012
Motion-based moving object detection and tracking using automatic K-means
A Keivani, JR Tapamo, F Ghayoor
2017 IEEE AFRICON, 32-37, 2017
Automatic retinal vessel detection and tortuosity measurement
T Mapayi, JR Tapamo, S Viriri, A Adio
Image Analysis and Stereology 35 (2), 117-135, 2016
Soccer video analysis by ball, player and referee tracking
WC Naidoo, JR Tapamo
Proceedings of the 2006 annual research conference of the South African …, 2006
Conceptual model of the smart attendance monitoring system using computer vision
L Mothwa, JR Tapamo, T Mapati
2018 14th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2018
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Articles 1–20