Stanisław A. Raczyński
Cited by
Cited by
Multipitch analysis with harmonic nonnegative matrix approximation
SA Raczynski
Proc. 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 2007, 2007
Melody harmonization with interpolated probabilistic models
SA Raczyński, S Fukayama, E Vincent
Journal of New Music Research 42 (3), 223-235, 2013
Dynamic Bayesian networks for symbolic polyphonic pitch modeling
SA Raczyński, E Vincent, S Sagayama
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 21 (9), 1830-1840, 2013
Polyphonic pitch estimation and instrument identification by joint modeling of sustained and attack sounds
J Wu, E Vincent, SA Raczynski, T Nishimoto, N Ono, S Sagayama
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5 (6), 1124-1132, 2011
Multiple pitch transcription using DBN-based musicological models
SA Raczynski, E Vincent, F Bimbot, S Sagayama
2010 Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf.(ISMIR), 363--368, 2010
Multipitch estimation by joint modeling of harmonic and transient sounds
J Wu, E Vincent, SA Raczyński, T Nishimoto, N Ono, S Sagayama
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Extending nonnegative matrix factorization—a discussion in the context of multiple frequency estimation of musical signals
S Raczyński, N Ono, S Sagayama
2009 17th European Signal Processing Conference, 934-938, 2009
A roadmap towards versatile MIR
E Vincent, SA Raczynski, N Ono, S Sagayama
2010 Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf.(ISMIR), 662--664, 2010
Distributed mobile microphone arrays for robot navigation and acoustic source localization
SA Raczyński, Ł Grzymkowski, K Główczewski
2014 13th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2014
Note detection with dynamic bayesian networks as a postanalysis step for NMF-based multiple pitch estimation techniques
SA Raczyński, N Ono, S Sagayama
2009 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and …, 2009
Genre-based music language modeling with latent hierarchical pitman-yor process allocation
SA Raczyński, E Vincent
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 22 (3), 672-681, 2014
Separation of speech from interfering speech by means of harmonic selection
SA Raczynski, E Vincent, S Sagayama
Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Trans. on 21, 1830-1840, 2013
Musical instrument identification based on harmonic temporal timbre features
J Wu, Y Kitano, SA Raczynski, S Miyabe, T Nishimoto, N Ono, ...
Statistical And Perceptual Audition 2010, 2010
Robust real-time PPG-based heart rate monitoring
E Nowak, M Kraiński, M Rubiński, M Pazderska, SA Raczyński
2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2561-2565, 2015
A music structure inference algorithm based on symbolic data analysis
G Sargent, SA Raczynski, F Bimbot, E Vincent, S Sagayama
MIREX-ISMIR 2011, 2011
Distributed acoustic slam
Ł Grzymkowski, K Główczewski, SA Raczyński
2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1566-1570, 2015
Multiple frequency estimation for piano recordings with concatenated regularized harmonic nmf
SA Raczynski, S Sagayma
Proceedings of the Fifth Music Information Retrieval Evaluation Exchange …, 2009
Adaptive prediction order scheme for AMR-WB+
F Zhang, T Moriya, Y Kamamoto, SA Raczyński, N Harada, N Ono, ...
2010 10th International Symposium on Communications and Information …, 2010
Flexible harmonic model for multipitch estimation
J Wu, SA Raczynski, Y Kitano, T Nishimoto, NOS Sagayama
Proceedings of the Fourth Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange …, 2010
Musical instrument identification based on new boosting algorithm with probabilistic decisions
J Wu, S Sagayama
International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval, 66-78, 2011
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Articles 1–20