Mohsin Bilal
Mohsin Bilal
Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
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Cited by
Development and validation of a weakly supervised deep learning framework to predict the status of molecular pathways and key mutations in colorectal cancer from routine …
M Bilal, SEA Raza, A Azam, S Graham, M Ilyas, IA Cree, D Snead, ...
The Lancet Digital Health 3 (12), e763-e772, 2021
Better physical activity classification using smartphone acceleration sensor
M Arif, M Bilal, A Kattan, SI Ahamed
Journal of medical systems 38, 1-10, 2014
Capturing cellular topology in multi-gigapixel pathology images
W Lu, S Graham, M Bilal, N Rajpoot, F Minhas
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
TIAToolbox as an end-to-end library for advanced tissue image analytics
J Pocock, S Graham, QD Vu, M Jahanifar, S Deshpande, ...
Communications medicine 2 (1), 120, 2022
Solution of n-queen problem using aco
S Khan, M Bilal, M Sharif, M Sajid, R Baig
2009 IEEE 13th international multitopic conference, 1-5, 2009
Semantic annotation for computational pathology: Multidisciplinary experience and best practice recommendations
N Wahab, IM Miligy, K Dodd, H Sahota, M Toss, W Lu, M Jahanifar, ...
The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research 8 (2), 116-128, 2022
Stain-robust mitotic figure detection for the mitosis domain generalization challenge
M Jahanifar, A Shepard, N Zamanitajeddin, RMS Bashir, M Bilal, ...
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2021
Screening of normal endoscopic large bowel biopsies with interpretable graph learning: a retrospective study
S Graham, F Minhas, M Bilal, M Ali, YW Tsang, M Eastwood, N Wahab, ...
Gut 72 (9), 1709-1721, 2023
An aggregation of aggregation methods in computational pathology
M Bilal, R Jewsbury, R Wang, HM AlGhamdi, A Asif, M Eastwood, ...
Medical Image Analysis, 102885, 2023
Skin lesions identification using deep convolutional neural network
T Alkarakatly, S Eidhah, M Al-Sarawani, A Al-Sobhi, M Bilal
2019 International Conference on Advances in the Emerging Computing …, 2020
Intelligent leakage detection system for pipelines
M Bilal, E Felemban, AAA Sheikh, SB Qaisar
US Patent App. 14/728,834, 2016
Novel deep learning algorithm predicts the status of molecular pathways and key mutations in colorectal cancer from routine histology images
M Bilal, SEA Raza, A Azam, S Graham, M Ilyas, IA Cree, D Snead, ...
MedRxiv, 2021.01. 19.21250122, 2021
Feddropoutavg: Generalizable federated learning for histopathology image classification
GN Gunesli, M Bilal, SEA Raza, NM Rajpoot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13230, 2021
Role of AI and digital pathology for colorectal immuno-oncology
M Bilal, M Nimir, D Snead, GS Taylor, N Rajpoot
British Journal of Cancer 128 (1), 3-11, 2023
AI based pre-screening of large bowel cancer via weakly supervised learning of colorectal biopsy histology images
M Bilal, YW Tsang, M Ali, S Graham, E Hero, N Wahab, K Dodd, H Sahota, ...
medRxiv, 2022.02. 28.22271565, 2022
Evaluation of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes in luminal breast cancer using artificial intelligence
S Makhlouf, N Wahab, M Toss, A Ibrahim, AG Lashen, NM Atallah, ...
British Journal of Cancer 129 (11), 1747-1758, 2023
Deep multi-resolution dictionary learning for histopathology image analysis
N Hatami, M Bilal, N Rajpoot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.00669, 2021
Estimation and optimization based ill-posed inverse restoration using fuzzy logic
M Bilal, A Hussain, MA Jaffar, TS Choi, AM Mirza
Multimedia tools and applications 69, 1067-1087, 2014
A revised framework of machine learning application for optimal activity recognition
M Bilal, FK Shaikh, M Arif, MF Wyne
Cluster Computing 22 (Suppl 3), 7257-7273, 2019
Development and validation of artificial intelligence-based prescreening of large-bowel biopsies taken in the UK and Portugal: a retrospective cohort study
M Bilal, YW Tsang, M Ali, S Graham, E Hero, N Wahab, K Dodd, H Sahota, ...
The Lancet Digital Health 5 (11), e786-e797, 2023
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Articles 1–20