The effect of laser scanning strategies on texture, mechanical properties, and site-specific grain orientation in selective laser melted 316L SS JJ Marattukalam, D Karlsson, V Pacheco, P Beran, U Wiklund, U Jansson, ... Materials & Design 193, 108852, 2020 | 280 | 2020 |
Magnetic properties of the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy O Schneeweiss, M Friák, M Dudová, D Holec, M Šob, D Kriegner, V Holý, ... Physical Review B 96 (1), 014437, 2017 | 155 | 2017 |
The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source KH Andersen, DN Argyriou, AJ Jackson, J Houston, PF Henry, PP Deen, ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020 | 141 | 2020 |
Study of the loading mode dependence of the twinning in random textured cast magnesium by acoustic emission and neutron diffraction methods J Čapek, K Máthis, B Clausen, J Stráská, P Beran, P Lukáš Materials Science and Engineering: A 602, 25-32, 2014 | 110 | 2014 |
Room-temperature antiferromagnetism in CuMnAs F Máca, J Mašek, O Stelmakhovych, X Martí, H Reichlová, K Uhlířová, ... Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 324 (8), 1606-1612, 2012 | 92 | 2012 |
Effect of SHS conditions on microstructure of NiTi shape memory alloy P Novák, L Mejzlíková, A Michalcová, J Čapek, P Beran, D Vojtěch Intermetallics 42, 85-91, 2013 | 78 | 2013 |
Magnetic structure of the magnetocaloric compound AlFe2B2 J Cedervall, MS Andersson, T Sarkar, EK Delczeg-Czirjak, L Bergqvist, ... Journal of Alloys and Compounds 664, 784-791, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
Design of a new lithium ion battery test cell for in-situ neutron diffraction measurements M Roberts, JJ Biendicho, S Hull, P Beran, T Gustafsson, G Svensson, ... Journal of Power Sources 226, 249-255, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
Stability of austenitic 316L steel against martensite formation during cyclic straining J Man, K Obrtlík, M Petrenec, P Beran, M Smaga, A Weidner, J Dluhoš, ... Procedia Engineering 10, 1279-1284, 2011 | 59 | 2011 |
Mechanical properties of high niobium TiAl alloys doped with Mo and C A Chlupová, M Heczko, K Obrtlík, J Polák, P Roupcová, P Beran, T Kruml Materials & Design 99, 284-292, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
Neutron diffraction as a precise and reliable method for obtaining structural properties of bulk quantities of graphene Z Sofer, P Šimek, O Jankovský, D Sedmidubský, P Beran, M Pumera Nanoscale 6 (21), 13082-13089, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |
Atomic resolution characterization of strengthening nanoparticles in a new high-temperature-capable 43Fe-25Ni-22.5 Cr austenitic stainless steel M Heczko, BD Esser, TM Smith, P Beran, V Mazánová, DW McComb, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 719, 49-60, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
Ordering phenomena and transport properties of single crystals J Hejtmánek, K Knı́žek, Z Jirák, M Hervieu, C Martin, M Nevřiva, P Beran Journal of applied physics 93 (10), 7370-7372, 2003 | 41 | 2003 |
Preparation, structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of LaFeO3–PbTiO3 solid solutions SA Ivanov, R Tellgren, F Porcher, T Ericsson, A Mosunov, P Beran, ... Materials Research Bulletin 47 (11), 3253-3268, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Checkerboard-ordered pattern of low-temperature phase probed by x-ray resonant scattering G Subías, J García, P Beran, M Nevřiva, MC Sánchez, JL García-Muńoz Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (20), 205107, 2006 | 35 | 2006 |
In-situ neutron diffraction and acoustic emission investigation of twinning activity in magnesium K Máthis, P Beran, J Čapek, P Lukáš Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (1), 012096, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Long range ordered magnetic and atomic structures of the quasicrystal approximant in the Tb-Au-Si system G Gebresenbut, MS Andersson, P Beran, P Manuel, P Nordblad, ... Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (32), 322202, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
New type of charge/orbital ordering above room temperature in the perovskite Bi2/3Sr1/3MnO3 M Hervieu, S Malo, O Perez, P Beran, C Martin, G Baldinozzi, B Raveau Chemistry of materials 15 (2), 523-527, 2003 | 30 | 2003 |
Lithiation-driven structural transition of VO 2 F into disordered rock-salt Li x VO 2 F R Chen, E Maawad, M Knapp, S Ren, P Beran, R Witter, R Hempelmann Rsc Advances 6 (69), 65112-65118, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
The crystal and magnetic structure of the magnetocaloric compound FeMnP0. 5Si0. 5 V Höglin, M Hudl, M Sahlberg, P Nordblad, P Beran, Y Andersson Journal of Solid State Chemistry 184 (9), 2434-2438, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |