Hongliang Yu
Cited by
Cited by
A study of supervised term weighting scheme for sentiment analysis
ZH Deng, KH Luo, HL Yu
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (7), 3506-3513, 2014
Multi-Document Summarization Based on Two-Level Sparse Representation Model.
H Liu, H Yu, ZH Deng
AAAI, 196-202, 2015
Identifying Sentiment Words Using an Optimization-based Model without Seed Words.
H Yu, ZH Deng, S Li
ACL (2), 855-859, 2013
Temporally Selective Attention Model for Social and Affective State Recognition in Multimedia Content
H Yu, L Gui, M Madaio, A Ogan, J Cassell, LP Morency
Page-level Optimization of e-Commerce Item Recommendations
C Lo, H Yu, X Yin, K Shetty, C He, K Hu, JM Platz, A Ilardi, S Madhvanath
Fifteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 495-504, 2021
JEAM: A Novel Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification Based on Emotion Analysis.
KH Luo, ZH Deng, H Yu, LC Wei
EMNLP, 2503-2508, 2015
A Joint Optimization Model for Image Summarization Based on Image Content and Tags.
H Yu, ZH Deng, Y Yang, T Xiong
AAAI, 215-221, 2014
Identifying Sentiment Words Using an Optimization Model with L1 Regularization.
ZH Deng, H Yu, Y Yang
AAAI, 115-121, 2016
Unsupervised Text Recap Extraction for TV Series.
H Yu, S Zhang, LP Morency
EMNLP, 1797-1806, 2016
Image Tagging via Cross-Modal Semantic Mapping
ZH Deng, H Yu, Y Yang
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1143-1146, 2015
Automatic Identification and Recognition of Sentiment Words Using an Optimization‐Based Model with Propagation
KH Luo, ZH Deng, HL Yu, SYX Li
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (5), 537-549, 2015
A Novel Content Enriching Model for Microblog Using News Corpus.
Y Yang, ZH Deng, H Yu
ACL (2), 218-223, 2014
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Articles 1–12