Roy Clariana
Roy Clariana
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Paper–based versus computer–based assessment: key factors associated with the test mode effect
R Clariana, P Wallace
British Journal of Educational Technology 33 (5), 593-602, 2002
Applying a connectionist description of feedback timing
RB Clariana, D Wagner, LC Roher Murphy
Educational Technology Research and Development 48 (3), 5-22, 2000
A technique for automatically scoring open-ended concept maps
EM Taricani, RB Clariana
Educational Technology Research and Development 54, 65-82, 2006
Perception versus reality—Determining business students’ computer literacy skills and need for instruction in information concepts and technology
P Wallace, RB Clariana
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 4 (1), 141-151, 2005
The effects of different feedback strategies using computer-administered multiple-choice questions as instruction
RB Clariana, SM Ross, GR Morrison
Educational Technology Research and Development 39 (2), 5-17, 1991
A comparison of answer until correct feedback and knowledge of correct response feedback under two conditions of contextualization.
RB Clariana
Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 1990
A review of multiple-try feedback in traditional and computer-based instruction.
RB Clariana
Journal of Computer-Based Instruction 20 (3), 67-74, 1993
The effects of recognition and recall study tasks with feedback in a computer-based vocabulary lesson
RB Clariana, D Lee
Educational Technology Research and Development 49 (3), 23-36, 2001
A computer-based approach for translating text into concept map-like representations
RB Clariana, R Koul
Proceedings of the first international conference on concept mapping, 14-17, 2004
Reading comprehension in L1 and L2: An integrative approach
P Li, RB Clariana
Journal of Neurolinguistics 50, 94-105, 2019
The influence of achievement goal orientation on plagiarism
R Koul, RB Clariana, K Jitgarun, A Songsriwittaya
Learning and Individual Differences 19 (4), 506-512, 2009
Deriving individual and group knowledge structure from network diagrams and from essays
RB Clariana
Computer-based diagnostics and systematic analysis of knowledge, 117-130, 2010
Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners
J Laru, S Järvelä, RB Clariana
Interactive Learning Environments 20 (2), 103-117, 2012
Using centrality of concept maps as a measure of problem space states in computer-supported collaborative problem solving
RB Clariana, T Engelmann, W Yu
Educational Technology Research and Development 61, 423-442, 2013
A cognitive collaborative model to improve performance in engineering teams—A study of team outcomes and mental model sharing
JF DeFranco, CJ Neill, RB Clariana
Systems Engineering 14 (3), 267-278, 2011
A computer-based approach for deriving and measuring individual and team knowledge structure from essay questions
RB Clariana, P Wallace
Journal of Educational Computing Research 37 (3), 211-227, 2007
Differential memory effects for immediate and delayed feedback: A delta rule explanation of feedback timing effects.
RB Clariana
Multiple-try feedback and higher-order learning outcomes
RB Clariana, R Koul
International Journal of Instructional Media 32 (3), 239, 2005
Achievement predictors for a computer-applications module delivered online
PE Wallace, RB Clariana
Journal of Information Systems Education 11 (1), 13-18, 2000
The criterion-related validity of a computer-based approach for scoring concept maps
RB Clariana, R Koul, R Salehi
International Journal of Instructional Media 33 (3), 317-326, 2006
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Articles 1–20