Birenjith Sasidharan
Cited by
Cited by
Erasure coding for distributed storage: An overview
SB Balaji, MN Krishnan, M Vajha, V Ramkumar, B Sasidharan, PV Kumar
Science China Information Sciences 61, 1-45, 2018
Clay codes: Moulding {MDS} codes to yield an {MSR} code
M Vajha, V Ramkumar, B Puranik, G Kini, E Lobo, B Sasidharan, ...
16th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 18), 139-154, 2018
An explicit, coupled-layer construction of a high-rate MSR code with low sub-packetization level, small field size and all-node repair
B Sasidharan, M Vajha, PV Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.07335, 2016
Layered exact-repair regenerating codes via embedded error correction and block designs
C Tian, B Sasidharan, V Aggarwal, VA Vaishampayan, PV Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (4), 1933-1947, 2015
A high-rate MSR code with polynomial sub-packetization level
B Sasidharan, GK Agarwal, PV Kumar
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2051-2055, 2015
An improved outer bound on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff of exact-repair regenerating codes
B Sasidharan, K Senthoor, PV Kumar
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2430-2434, 2014
Codes with hierarchical locality
B Sasidharan, GK Agarwal, PV Kumar
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1257-1261, 2015
Codes for distributed storage
V Ramkumar, M Vajha, SB Balaji, MN Krishnan, B Sasidharan, PV Kumar
Concise Encyclopedia of Coding Theory, 735-762, 2021
An explicit, coupled-layer construction of a high-rate MSR code with low sub-packetization level, small field size and d<(n− 1)
B Sasidharan, M Vajha, PV Kumar
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2048-2052, 2017
High-rate regenerating codes through layering
B Sasidharan, PV Kumar
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1611-1615, 2013
An alternate construction of an access-optimal regenerating code with optimal sub-packetization level
GK Agarwal, B Sasidharan, PV Kumar
2015 Twenty First National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2015
Improved layered regenerating codes characterizing the exact-repair storage-repair bandwidth tradeoff for certain parameter sets
K Senthoor, B Sasidharan, PV Kumar
2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 1-5, 2015
DMT of multi-hop cooperative networks-part II: Half-duplex networks with full-duplex performance
K Sreeram, S Birenjith, PV Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:0808.0235, 2008
Multi-hop cooperative wireless networks: diversity multiplexing tradeoff and optimal code design
K Sreeram, S Birenjith, PV Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:0802.1888, 2008
DMT of multi-hop cooperative networks-part I: basic results
K Sreeram, S Birenjith, PV Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:0808.0234, 2008
Evaluation of codes with inherent double replication for hadoop
MN Krishnan, N Prakash, V Lalitha, B Sasidharan, PV Kumar, ...
6th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage 14), 2014
DMT of multi-hop cooperative networks-Part II: Layered and multi-antenna networks
K Sreeram, S Birenjith, PV Kumar
Information Theory, 2008. ISIT 2008. IEEE International Symposium on, 2081-2085, 2008
Outer bounds on the storage-repair bandwidth trade-off of exact-repair regenerating codes
B Sasidharan, N Prakash, MN Krishnan, M Vajha, K Senthoor, PV Kumar
International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 3 (4), 255-298, 2016
Dmt of multihop networks: end points and computational tools
K Sreeram, S Birenjith, PV Kumar
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 58 (2), 804-819, 2012
On maximally recoverable codes for product topologies
D Shivakrishna, VA Rameshwar, V Lalitha, B Sasidharan
2018 Twenty Fourth National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2018
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Articles 1–20