Michael Pullen
Michael Pullen
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Strong-field physics with mid-IR fields
B Wolter, MG Pullen, M Baudisch, M Sclafani, M Hemmer, A Senftleben, ...
Physical Review X 5 (2), 021034, 2015
Ultrafast electron diffraction imaging of bond breaking in di-ionized acetylene
B Wolter, MG Pullen, AT Le, M Baudisch, K Doblhoff-Dier, A Senftleben, ...
Science 354 (6310), 308-312, 2016
Imaging an aligned polyatomic molecule with laser-induced electron diffraction
M Pullen, B Wolter, AT Le, M Baudisch, M Hemmer, A Senftleben, ...
Nature Communications 6 (7262), 1-6, 2015
Imaging an aligned polyatomic molecule with laser-induced electron diffraction
7262 (2015). MG Pullen, B. Wolter, A.-T. Le, M. Baudisch, M. Hemmer, A ...
Nature Communications 6 (7262), 1-6, 2015
Formation of very-low-energy states crossing the ionization threshold of argon atoms in strong mid-infrared fields
B Wolter, C Lemell, M Baudisch, MG Pullen, XM Tong, M Hemmer, ...
Physical Review A 90 (6), 063424, 2014
Influence of orbital symmetry on diffraction imaging with rescattering electron wave packets
MG Pullen, B Wolter, AT Le, M Baudisch, M Sclafani, H Pires, CD Schröter, ...
Nature Communications 7 (11922), 1-6, 2016
Imaging the Renner–Teller effect using laser-induced electron diffraction
K Amini, M Sclafani, T Steinle, AT Le, A Sanchez, C Müller, J Steinmetzer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (17), 8173-8177, 2019
High power multi-color OPCPA source with simultaneous femtosecond deep-UV to mid-IR outputs
M Baudisch, B Wolter, M Pullen, M Hemmer, J Biegert
Optics letters 41 (15), 3583-3586, 2016
Measurement of laser intensities approaching 10 W/cm with an accuracy of 1
MG Pullen, WC Wallace, DE Laban, AJ Palmer, GF Hanne, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053411, 2013
Extreme Ultraviolet Interferometer Using High-Order Harmonic Generation<? format?> from Successive Sources
DE Laban, AJ Palmer, WC Wallace, NS Gaffney, R Notermans, TTJ Clevis, ...
Physical review letters 109 (26), 263902, 2012
Kinematically complete measurements of strong field ionization with mid-IR pulses
MG Pullen, J Dura, B Wolter, M Baudisch, M Hemmer, N Camus, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (20), 204010, 2014
Transition from nonsequential to sequential double ionization in many-electron systems
MG Pullen, B Wolter, X Wang, XM Tong, M Sclafani, M Baudisch, H Pires, ...
Physical review A 96 (3), 033401, 2017
Precise and Accurate Measurements of Strong-Field Photoionization and a Transferable Laser Intensity Calibration Standard
DK W. C. Wallace, O. Ghafur, C. Khurmi, Satya Sainadh U, J. E. Calvert, D. E ...
Physical Review Letters 117, 053001, 2016
Mode-locked picosecond pulse generation from an octave-spanning supercontinuum
D Kielpinski, MG Pullen, J Canning, M Stevenson, PS Westbrook, ...
Optics express 17 (23), 20833-20839, 2009
Carrier-envelope phase effects in above-threshold ionization of atomic hydrogen
WC Wallace, MG Pullen, DE Laban, O Ghafur, H Xu, AJ Palmer, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (3), 033002, 2013
Efficient generation of> 2 W of green light by single-pass frequency doubling in PPMgLN
MG Pullen, JJ Chapman, D Kielpinski
Applied optics 47 (10), 1397-1400, 2008
Experimental ionization of atomic hydrogen with few-cycle pulses
MG Pullen, WC Wallace, DE Laban, AJ Palmer, GF Hanne, ...
Optics letters 36 (18), 3660-3662, 2011
High-order harmonic generation from a dual-gas, multi-jet array with individual gas jet control
MG Pullen, NS Gaffney, CR Hall, JA Davis, A Dubrouil, HV Le, R Buividas, ...
Optics Letters 38 (20), 4204-4207, 2013
Above threshold ionisation of atomic hydrogen using few-cycle pulses
MG Pullen
Griffith University, 2011
Molecular structure from aligned polyatomic molecules using laser-induced electron diffraction
M Sclafani, MG Pullen, B Wolter, AT Lee, M Baudisch, M Hemmer, ...
2015 Photonics North, 1-1, 2015
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Articles 1–20