Yogesh K Dwivedi
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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy
YK Dwivedi, L Hughes, E Ismagilova, G Aarts, C Coombs, T Crick, Y Duan, ...
International Journal of Information Management, 101994, 2021
“So what if ChatGPT wrote it?” Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy
YK Dwivedi, N Kshetri, L Hughes, EL Slade, A Jeyaraj, AK Kar, ...
International Journal of Information Management 71, 102642, 2023
Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and research propositions
YK Dwivedi, E Ismagilova, DL Hughes, J Carlson, R Filieri, J Jacobson, ...
International journal of information management 59, 102168, 2021
Artificial intelligence for decision making in the era of Big Data–evolution, challenges and research agenda
Y Duan, JS Edwards, YK Dwivedi
International journal of information management 48, 63-71, 2019
Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy
YK Dwivedi, L Hughes, AM Baabdullah, S Ribeiro-Navarrete, ...
International Journal of Information Management 66, 102542, 2022
Factors influencing adoption of mobile banking by Jordanian bank customers: Extending UTAUT2 with trust
AA Alalwan, YK Dwivedi, NP Rana
International journal of information management 37 (3), 99-110, 2017
Re-examining the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): Towards a revised theoretical model
YK Dwivedi, NP Rana, A Jeyaraj, M Clement, MD Williams
Information Systems Frontiers 21 (3), 719–734, 2019
Social media in marketing: A review and analysis of the existing literature
AA Alalwan, NP Rana, YK Dwivedi, R Algharabat
Telematics and informatics 34 (7), 1177-1190, 2017
Advances in social media research: Past, present and future
KK Kapoor, K Tamilmani, NP Rana, P Patil, YK Dwivedi, S Nerur
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 531-558, 2018
The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a literature review
MD Williams, NP Rana, YK Dwivedi
Journal of enterprise information management 28 (3), 443-488, 2015
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life
YK Dwivedi, DL Hughes, C Coombs, I Constantiou, Y Duan, JS Edwards, ...
International journal of information management 55, 102211, 2020
Modeling consumers’ adoption intentions of remote mobile payments in the United Kingdom: extending UTAUT with innovativeness, risk, and trust
EL Slade, YK Dwivedi, NC Piercy, MD Williams
Psychology & marketing 32 (8), 860-873, 2015
Smart cities: Advances in research—An information systems perspective
E Ismagilova, L Hughes, YK Dwivedi, KR Raman
International journal of information management 47, 88-100, 2019
Blockchain research, practice and policy: Applications, benefits, limitations, emerging research themes and research agenda
L Hughes, YK Dwivedi, SK Misra, NP Rana, V Raghavan, V Akella
International journal of information management 49, 114-129, 2019
Consumer adoption of mobile banking in Jordan: Examining the role of usefulness, ease of use, perceived risk and self-efficacy
AA Alalwan, YK Dwivedi, NPP Rana, MD Williams
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 29 (1), 118-139, 2016
Social media marketing: Comparative effect of advertisement sources
MA Shareef, B Mukerji, YK Dwivedi, NP Rana, R Islam
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 46, 58-69, 2019
e-Government Adoption Model (GAM): Differing service maturity levels
MA Shareef, V Kumar, U Kumar, YK Dwivedi
Government information quarterly 28 (1), 17-35, 2011
Measuring social media influencer index-insights from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
A Arora, S Bansal, C Kandpal, R Aswani, Y Dwivedi
Journal of retailing and consumer services 49, 86-101, 2019
Examining branding co-creation in brand communities on social media: Applying the paradigm of Stimulus-Organism-Response
S Kamboj, B Sarmah, S Gupta, Y Dwivedi
International Journal of Information Management 39, 169-185, 2018
Examining factors influencing Jordanian customers’ intentions and adoption of internet banking: Extending UTAUT2 with risk
AA Alalwan, YK Dwivedi, NP Rana, R Algharabat
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40, 125-138, 2018
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Articles 1–20